Amends Va. Code §§19.2-389, 46.2-311, 46.2-324.1, 46.2-341.4, 46.2-341.7, 46.2-341.8, 46.2-341.9, 46.2-341.10, 46.2-341.12, 46.2-341.14, 46.2-341.15, 46.2-341.16, 46.2-341.20, 46.2-348, 46.2-1076, 46.2-2001.1, 46.2-2001.3, 46.2-2005, 46.2-2011.9, 46.2-2011.11, 46.2-2011.23, 46.2-2011.24, 46.2-2099.19, 46.2-2108.4, 46.2-2122, 46.2-2132, 46.2-2133, 46.2-2176 and adds §§46.2-341.14:1 through 46.2-341.14:10, 46.2-341.20:4 and 46.2-341.20:5
Contains components relating to motor carrier and commercial driver enhancements.
1. License for public convenience and necessity, etc.:
Clarifies DMV’s authority to suspend or revoke a license, permit, or certificate for failure to maintain requirements of public convenience and necessity, character, fitness, and financial responsibility.
2. Place of business requirements:
Intrastate passenger motor carriers and brokers of passengers when applying for operating authority are required to certify that their established place of business meets all applicable local zoning ordinances; however, once authority is granted, they are only required to notify DMV of a change in address. They are currently not required to re-certify compliance with established place of business requirements, including compliance with zoning ordinances. The legislation requires intrastate passenger motor carriers and brokers to recertify compliance if the carrier or broker relocates his place of business.
3. Background checks:
Elevates scrutiny of fitness requirements by allowing DMV to conduct criminal background checks for licensed motor carriers rather than simply those making application for a motor carrier certificate or license.
4. Performance bond:
Clarifies that the performance bond required for a carrier’s first three years of operations must be presented with the application for commercial operating authority. Household goods carriers and passenger carriers that operate under a certificate of fitness or certificate of public convenience and necessity are subject to a performance bond requirement. Current law requires a $50,000 bond for household goods carriers and a $25,000 bond for passenger carriers for the first three years of operation. The clarifying language reflects that the bond is to be submitted with the certificate application and is required to remain in effect for the first three license years.
5. Civil penalties:
Sections 46.2-2011.23 and 46.2-2132 of the Code of Virginia establish civil penalties not exceeding $1,000 for certain acts of a motor carrier of passengers or property. This legislation modifies those sections to specify that each separate violation is subject to the civil penalty.
6. For-hire motor vehicle marking requirements:
Amends vehicle marking requirements for certain for-hire motor vehicles to recognize that the legal or trade name of the motor carrier maintaining operational control of the vehicle should be displayed on the vehicle rather than the name of the vehicle owner.
Explicitly prohibits a broker from employing a motor carrier whose operating authority permit or certificate does not authorize the carrier to provide the proposed service. Requires a broker to obtain and retain a copy of the certificate of public convenience and necessity for carriers they work with holding such certificates.
2.Ban on issuance of license, certificate or permit:
There is a delayed implementation of July 1, 2014 for this component.
Amends §§ 46.2-2001.1 and 46.2-2005 to impose a 12-month ban on issuance of a license, certificate, or permit at the time of application to any motor carrier convicted of or assessed civil penalties for operating without proper authority. The carrier must report any convictions or civil penalties on the application. Such ban will apply for 12 months from the date of the final disposition of the conviction or imposition of civil penalty. The carrier has the right of appeal and a hearing.
3.Disqualification of commercial driver; texting:
This bill creates a new conviction for texting while driving a commercial motor vehicle and adds it to the list of serious violations that can result in disqualification of a commercial driver. This change is necessary to conform Virginia law to Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration regulations.
This new conviction will be assigned three demerit points and display on the driver transcripts as follows:
When a commercial driver’s license (CDL) holder’s driving record displays:
•Two serious convictions within three years, it will result in a 60-day disqualification. •Three serious convictions within three years, it will result in a 120-day disqualification.
10. Commercial driver testing; compliance with federal regulations:
In 2011, the FMCSA issued a Final Rule relating to commercial driver’s license (CDL) testing and commercial learner’s permit (CLP) standards. Conforms the Code of Virginia with the new federal requirements for the testing of commercial drivers.
A.Commercial Instruction Permits – minimum holding period
New commercial drivers who do not complete an approved commercial driver training course must hold a commercial instruction permit for a minimum of 30 days before taking the road skills test. New commercial drivers who successfully complete an approved course of commercial driver training must hold a commercial instruction permit for at least 14 days before taking the road skills test.
Holders of commercial driver’s licenses who wish to obtain a higher class of CDL or who wish to add an endorsement that requires a skills test or take a skills test to remove a restriction must obtain a commercial instruction permit and hold it for a minimum of 14 days before testing to upgrade or to add the endorsement.
B.Commercial driver licensing exams
Prohibits the use of interpreters for any knowledge exam administered as
part of the application process for a commercial driver’s license.
C.Special provisions relating to commercial driver’s instruction permit (CIP), §46.2-341.10
Creates a new passenger “P” restriction for all commercial driver’s instruction permits (CIP) issued with a School bus (S) and/or Passenger (P) endorsement. This restriction indicates that the driver is prohibited from transporting passengers with the exception of instructors, test examiners, other trainees, state/federal auditors and inspectors, or the CDL holder accompanying the student driver. The restriction will be decoded on the back of the license as “No passengers.”
Creates a new “X” restriction for all CIPs issued with a Tank “N” endorsement. This restriction indicates that the driver may only operate an empty tank vehicle and is prohibited from operating any tank vehicle that previously contained hazardous materials that has not been purged of any residue. The restriction will be decoded on the back of the license as “No cargo permitted in tank vehicle.”
The system will automatically add the “P” and X” restrictions to any CIP issued with an “N,” “S” and/or “P” endorsement.
Currently, DMV uses an “X” restriction (or a “Y” for CDL’s) to indicate that the license holder is required to wear corrective lenses, but federal regulations require DMV to use the “X” as a restriction on a CIP with a tank endorsement as stated above. Therefore, beginning with licenses issued on or after July 1, 2013, DMV will no longer use the “X” restriction code to indicate the requirement to wear “corrective lenses.” For drivers required to wear corrective lenses while operating a non-commercial vehicle, the license will be issued with a “C” restriction decoded on the back as “corrective lenses.” CDLs will display a “B: restriction instead of a “Y” or “X” restriction if the driver is required to wear corrective lenses when operating a commercial motor vehicle (CMV). The “B” will be decoded on the back of the CDL as “corrective lenses while operating a CMV.”
Also, if a CDL holder is required to wear corrective lenses while operating non-commercial and commercial motor vehicles, the CDL will display the “C” and “B” restriction codes.
Licenses issued prior to July 1, 2013 will continue to display “X” for non-commercial licenses, and “X” or “Y” restrictions for commercial driver’s licenses to indicate that the driver must wear corrective lenses. These restrictions will be decoded on the back of the licenses as “corrective lenses” or “corrective lenses while operating a CMV” respectively. However, if a replacement license is issued after July 1, 2013 for a person required to wear corrective lenses restrictions, the licenses will display the new corrective lenses restriction code(s).
D.Commercial driver’s license (CDL) and commercial driver’s instruction permit (CIP) document, §46.2-341.15
CIPs issued on and after July 1, 2013, will be issued with a restriction code “9” and will display the following new language decoded on the back, “Not valid unless accompanied by a valid driver's license.” Temporary Driving Permits (TDPs) will also display the new language.
The system will automatically add the “9” restriction code to any CIP issued.
E.Vehicle classifications, restriction and endorsements, §46.2-341.16
Adds new “P” and “X” restrictions to CIPs as stated in #10(C) above.
Creates a new “O” restriction for CDLs, which prohibits the operation of a tractor trailer. This restriction will be added when a driver takes the Class A skills test in a vehicle other than a tractor trailer. To have this restriction removed, the driver would need to repeat the skills test in a tractor trailer. The restriction will be decoded on the back of the license as “No tractor trailer.”
Creates a new “Z” restriction for CDLs, which prohibits the operation of a CMV with full air brakes. This restriction will be added when a driver takes the skills test in a vehicle that uses an air over hydraulic braking system. The restriction will be decoded on the back of the license as “No full air brakes.”
One of the following restrictions will display on a CDL based on the type of braking system on the vehicle used for the skills test:
•Z |
Air Over Hydraulic
-Driver may operate a CMV with a combination of hydraulic brakes and air brakes or one with only hydraulic brakes.
-Driver may not operate a vehicle with full air brakes.
•K |
Hydraulic Brakes
-Driver may not operate a CMV with any type of air brakes.
-Driver may only operate a vehicle with hydraulic brakes.
-This restriction is decoded on the back of the license as “CMV without air brakes.”
If the vehicle used for the skills test has full air brakes, no restriction will display on the CDL, and the driver may operate a CMV with any type of brakes.