All effective dates are July 1, 2016, unless otherwise noted.
The following is information on a process enhancement being implemented by DMV and the courts.
Effective July 1, 2016, courts will begin using restricted license order forms that have been revised to streamline the process when issuing and submitting the information to DMV. The changes will apply to the following restricted license orders:
•DC265 - Restricted Driver’s License order and entry into Alcohol Safety Action Program (Driving Under Influence and Habitual Offenders) •DC359 - Forfeiture of Driver License and Restricted Driver’s License Order (Drug Violations) •DC260 - Driver License Forfeiture/Suspension and Restricted Driving Order (Reckless Driving and Driving After Consuming Alcohol Suspensions) •DC282 - Restricted Driver’s License Order for (Child Support) •DC576 - Driver License Denial Order (Juvenile) •DC577 - Driver’s License Suspension Order and Entry into Services Program (Juvenile) •DC578 - Restricted Driver’s License for Juvenile Licensing Violation (2nd Conviction)
Specifically, the changes are as follows: •“Commencement date” will change to “effective beginning” date (this date will no longer be based on when the customer is eligible, but will reflect the date the court issued/granted the restricted license order). This applies to all restricted license order forms.
•End dates will no longer be required by the court. The DMV system will calculate the end date, based on the customer’s record and eligibility. This applies to: DUI/Habitual Offender restricted license Orders (DC-265); Drug Violation restricted license orders (DC-359); and Reckless Driving/Driving After Consuming Alcohol restricted license orders (DC-260).
DC 265 Forms
•Added field for the court to state that an extension of restricted privileges has been granted to allow the person additional time to complete the VASAP requirement. In this case, the court must check the appropriate box and provide the period of time (i.e. 4 months, 6 months, 1 year, etc.).
•Added field for the court to state that restricted privileges have been granted related to an indefinite suspension (for DUI 3rd offense convictions or habitual offender adjudications/determinations). In this case, the court must check the appropriate box and provide the period of time (i.e. 6 months, 1 year, etc.).
DC 359 Form
•Added field for court to provide the specific Code section for the drug violation. The Code section is used by DMV to add the conviction or deferral to the record in cases where the court has not previously transmitted the record to DMV.
DC 576 & DC 577 Forms
•End dates will no longer be required, but the court must provide an effective beginning date and a period of time: (i.e. 4, months, 6 months, 1year, etc.), before DMV can process the restrictive license order.
In summary
•The court will still grant restricted privileges and define where the person is authorized to drive.
•The court must provide an effective date for the restricted privileges, which is the date the court authorized the restricted privileges. This is needed before DMV to process a restricted license order.
•DMV will record the restrictions granted by the court and apply them to specific suspension/revocation order(s) on the customer’s record.
•If the customer has other indefinite suspension(s) on their record, an end date will not be established, as the customer will not be “otherwise eligible”
•If the customer has no other outstanding orders in effect (otherwise eligible), once the requirements are compiled, the customer will be eligible for a restricted license.
•For DC265 & DC 359 restricted license orders, the DMV system will automatically calculate a restricted license end date, based on a customer’s record and if the customer is otherwise eligible.
•For DC 576 & 577 forms (Juvenile restricted license orders), the court must provide effective begin dates and period of time, before DMV can process the restricted license order.
•The customer may visit a Customer Service Center (CSC) for a restricted license, prior to DMV receiving the granted restrictions from the court. If the conviction is already on the record, the Customer Service Representative (CSR) will still be able to add the restrictions to the customer’s record. If the customer has complied with all outstanding requirements, the customer will be eligible to obtain a restricted license.