Release 9.0 includes the following changes:
Issue Log |
Functionality... |
8291 |
Add SR22/FR44 System enhancement to correctly populate the SR22/FR44 form after the customer selection list displays and a customer number is selected. |
8177 |
CDL Add Test Modified airbrake field labels. Required field changed (BH) |
CDL 10 Year History Check Added required fields indicator to "Has the customer held a license in a prior State?" (BH) |
8243 |
Change All Addresses (QAS IN) If a CSR changes a customer's primary address and the customer also has a dwelling address, a pop-up will display to confirm or change dwelling as well. |
Change Customer Number Added Reason Code as a required field. |
Clinic Add Added Completion Date, Reason, and Clinic code as required fields. |
8046 |
Compliance Driver Improvement clinic lookup now functions properly. |
Customer Transaction for Reprint Cover Added Transaction ID and Customer Number as required fields. |
Customer Transcript Added Transcript request reason as a required field. |
8034 |
Dealer/Salesperson Qualification Transaction ownership modified to always be the teller who initiated the test. |
Deceased Customer Added Transaction Source and Source Date as required fields. |
Deceased Customer Data Remove Added required fields radio group. |
8301 |
Deferred Settlement Payment Issue resolved with voiding a deferred settlement payment. |
7380 |
DMV Direct Customer Data New transaction for DMV Directs. |
7384 |
Driver License History UTHIST introduced as a new transaction. |
7855 |
Driver License Issue NDR on Printer field removed. |
7893 |
Driver License Issue Recording translator information in the Drivers License Issue transaction has been enhanced. Now, all translator information is maintained in one location which is accessed when recording translator information during the driver license issue transaction. Note: During the transition from KATS to SecuriTest The values displayed in the Test Method list are different depending on whether your location uses KATS or SecuriTest. |
7939 |
Driver License Issue Address confidentiality code now processes correctly. |
8177 |
Driver License Issue Modified airbrake field labels. |
8177 |
Driver License Status Modified airbrake field labels. |
8196 |
Driver's License Issue In CDL Test section field labels cleaned up. |
8239 |
Driver License Issue Added License Type as required field. |
8293 |
Event Selection Corrected security role configuration. |
8118 |
EVVE Fee Window Default location for insertion point changed. |
8304 |
Handicap Parking Permit Inquiry When a customer has never been issued a handicap parking placard, the error displayed now correctly indicates "No active record found for this customer." |
8300 |
Handicap Parking Permit Issuance System enhanced to prevent selecting an issue date in the past. |
8269 |
Handicap Parking Permits Automatically populate Issue date on all forms. |
Hazmat Background Check Added state of birth, city of birth, and served in the military as required fields. |
8199 |
HCP Institutional Permits Can now be voided. |
8194 |
HCP Surrender Surrender Date and Surrender Reason are now required fields. |
Hold Communiplate Added Confirm as a required field. |
7939 |
ID Card Issue Address confidentiality code now processes correctly. Added ID Card Type as a required field. (BH) |
Insurance R22 Required fields changed. |
8296 |
Law Enforcement Transcript System enhanced to identify the correct required fields. |
Maintain Citizenship Question Response Added New Citizen Question Response as a required field. |
8299 |
Management Summary Transcript System enhanced to require a transcript type selection. |
8160 |
Miscellaneous Refund Add Customer Number now a required field. Currency symbols added to field labels. |
8242 |
Miscellaneous Refund Authorization |
8285 |
Motor Carrier Citation Inquiry Backend correction of table lookup for vehicle make. |
8287 |
Motor Carrier Citation Inquiry Corrected spelling of Disbursement. |
8288 |
Motor Carrier Citation Inquiry Removed Contest Denied field. |
Motor Carrier Citation Tracking Payment Added Payment Code as a required field. |
8289 |
Motor Carrier Overweight Citation by Citation Number Removed Contest Denied field. |
8270 |
Motor Carrier Overweight Citation Inquiry by Citation Number Overweight Type field now populated from correct backend source. |
8274 |
Motor Carrier Overweight Citation Inquiry by Citation Number Added currency symbol to Refund Amount |
8286 |
Motor Carrier Overweight Citation Inquiry by Citation Number Scale Unit Name field width increased. |
NDR Employment Transcript Added employer name, address, and city as required fields. |
7957 |
NMVTIS NTHDNQ, NTHDSR, NTHDED transactions added for the NMVTIS Work Center. |
No Show Add Added call examiner, noshow date and time as required fields. |
8271 |
Non-repairable Reprint Added new section "Print non-repairable certificate". |
8211 |
Non-Repairable Stops The Branding Work Center can now add a non-repairable stop. Branch Offices will get an error message: M7031: USER DOES NOT HAVE SECURITY TO ADD/DELETE NRAP STOPS. |
Notify Add Added Notify Date, Notify Time, AM/PM as required fields. |
8256 |
Original Title Rebuilt Major Parts field modified to pull from a different data source and Rebuilt VIN fields to be enabled for Branding work center. |
8290 |
Overload Permit Inquiry System enhanced to correct display of incorrect error message. |
8260 |
Receipts All receipts enhanced to now allow headquarters work center to modify the mailing address. |
Registration Original Changed required fields (PB) |
Registration Reissue Changed required fields (PB) |
Registration Transfer & Exchange Changed required fields and Keys (PB) |
Registration Original - EZ Fleet Changed required fields (PB) |
Registration Reissue - EZ Fleet Changed required fields and Keys (PB) |
Registration Transfer & Exchange - EZ Fleet Changed required fields (PB) |
8266 |
Special Customer Creation Enhanced to replace Send to Camera section. |
8236 |
Stops & Orders System enhanced to support customers with > 100 stops and orders. |
8177 |
Test Inquiry Modified airbrake field labels. |
Title Issue Changed required fields (PB) |
Title Issue - EZ Fleet Changed required fields (PB) |
Vehicle Insurance Information Added policy number, insurance company code, and policy effective date as required fields. |
8235 |
Vehicle Notes Enabled for Branding Work Center. |
8255 |
VIN Issue Receipt now displays "received of" address. Changed required fields (PB) |
8306 |
VIN Issue The calendar control will now default to the current date. |