Assign Terminal to Work Area

To Assign a Terminal to Work Area

1.After opening mySelect on the Main Menu Bar, Click Tools>Settings and then select Manage Terminals.




2.The Settings dialog appears with the Manage Terminals tab active.  All terminal assignments are displayed in the grid at the top.


3.Click the desired License Key, then click the Edit Terminal Button_Edit_Terminal button on the menu bar. This will open the Terminal Name field and the terminal name will populate.





4.Click the Work Area name to select the desired work area, then Click the right-arrow button Button_RightArrow to assign the Terminal to that work area.

5.In the example below, the terminal named 531-WINDOW-1 is assigned to two work areas; Room_318 and 255-WORKAREA-1.

Click to view full size
Click to view full size


6.To unassign the terminal from a work area, highlight the work area on the right, (i.e 255-WORKAREA-1) and Click the left-arrow Button_LeftArrow button. This will move the work area back under the Set Work Areas listed on the left.


ico_note A Terminal can only be assigned to one Work Area at a time.


7.Click the Save Changes Button_Save_Changes button.

See Also

Definition: Work Area

Definition: Terminal


Topic Last Edited: 5/29/2015