Collect DGIF Revenue

Customers may purchase the following Department of Game and Inland Fisheries (DGIF) products at any DMV Customer Service Center(CSC).

Hunting Licenses

Fishing Licenses

Temporary Boat Registrations

DMV collects revenue for the Department of Game and Inland Fisheries. The revenue collected is recorded on the Collect DGIF Revenue transaction.

For more information, refer to Issuing Department of Game and Inland Fisheries Products DGIF-1.00

To Process DGIF Products and Collect the Revenue

1.From the main button bar, click the DGIF Button_DGIF button.  mySelect will automatically transfer you to the DGIF Hunting and Fishing License Point of Sale System.

2.Log into the DGIF Hunting and Fishing License Point of Sale System and process the customer's request.

3.After completing the transaction in the DGIF Point of Sale system, click the minimize Button_Minimizebutton on the Internet Explorer window. Click the red box with the X (top right) to exit the DGIF Point of Sale system. The mySelect application window returns to the top of the windows stack with the Collect DGIF Revenue transaction.

Click to view full size
Click to view full size

Button_RequiredField You CANNOT exit this screen until you enter DGIF Fee and Count OR check the Bypass box and enter a reason.


Collect the DGIF Revenue:

FavoritesBlank The DGIF fee collected should be entered here and not on the CSSREV screen!

i.Enter the DGIF Customer Number (The DGIF Number MUST begin with "VA") in the DGIF Number field.

ii.Enter the fee amount from the DGIF Point of Sale process and the number of licenses processed.

iii.Click the Process Button_Process button.  The Transaction Details Payment dialog opens.

iv.Enter the payment and click the Process Button_Process button. See Processing_Payment for more information.

v.The Receipt Details dialog opens. Click the Button_Print_Receipt button to print the payment receipt if requested. Otherwise, Click the Close Button_Close button to close the Receipt Details dialog.

vi.The Transaction Details dialog appears showing the TRANSACTION PROCESSED message.

vii.Click the Close Button_Close button to close the Transaction Details dialog.




Bypass the DGIF Revenue:

FavoritesBlank Bypass the DGIF Revenue collection when no fees were processed on the DGIF Point of Sale System.

i.Click the Bypass DGIF Collection? box.

ii.Enter the reason why the revenue was not collect in the Reason field.

iii.Click the Process Button_Process button. The Transaction Details dialog appears showing the TRANSACTION PROCESSED message.

iv.Click the Close Button_Close button to close the Transaction Details dialog.



Topic Last Edited: 8/27/2014