The Vehicle Stop - Change/Comply transaction is used to comply or waive a stop from a vehicle record.
Please refer to the Vehicle Licensing Guide - Stops, as needed.
To Change/Comply a Vehicle Stop
1.If not already open, Open the Customer Console using the customer's number or name.
From the Console Go To ..... |
Steps to Follow ..... |
Alerts Grid |
If the customer currently has vehicle stops on one or more of their vehicles you may see one of the below Alerts. For customers with less than 10 active vehicles, you will see the following alert:
1.Open the Vehicles section to view the list of vehicles. a) Click the b) Clicking the
For customers with more than 10 active vehicles, you will see the following alert:
1.Clicking the a) If active, click the More Data Available b) Click the Select 2.Continue with the steps below. |
Quick Navigation |
Not available for this transaction. |
Transaction Menu |
1.Click the Transaction Menu button in the Main Menu Bar. 2.Navigate to Titling Transactions>Vehicle Stop - Change/Comply(VSTPCM) and click it. The Vehicle Stop Change/Comply inquire form opens with the customer's number populated. 3.Continue with the steps below. |
Command Line |
1. Enter VSTPCM on the Direct command line, then press the Enter key. 2. The Vehicle Stop Change/Comply inquire form opens with the customer's number populated. 3. Continue with the steps below. |
2.Enter the VIN and Stop type then click the Inquire button. The Vehicle Stop Change/Comply transaction form opens with the customer, vehicle and stop information populated.
3.If you do not know the Stop code,
a) To the right of the Stop field, click the icon.
b) Enter the name or code and click the Search button. OR
c) Use the scroll bar to the right to scroll through the list. Click the Select button to the left of the stop code. The Stop Code and name are populated on the transaction form.
4.Click the Inquire button. The Vehicle Stop Change/Comply transaction form opens with the customer, vehicle and Stop information populated.
5.Enter the required information and then click the Process button.
6.Click the Process button. The Transaction Details dialog appears with the TRANSACTION PROCESSED ######## message. (########=title number)
7.Click the Close button to close the Transaction Details dialog.
8.Click the Close button to complete the transaction. The selected stop is removed from the vehicle.