Events Selection

The Events Selection inquiry displays a list of all events associated with a customer. Listed below are the event types and the Direct Command Line code.

tip20pxInquire on individual events by keying in the Direct Command Line the event inquiry name (ACCINQ, CNVINQ, JUDINQ, etc.). If there is only one event for that type, the inquiry form will open. Otherwise mySelect will display a message to go through Event Selection(EVTSEL).


All Events (EVTSEL)

NDR Cancellation (NDRINQ)

Accidents (ACCINQ)

Notification (NOTINQ)

Citation Evasion (CTEINQ)

Parental Consent Cancellation (PARINQ)

Convictions (CNVINQ)

Administrative Suspension (ALSINQ)

Fail to Pay ASAP (FTPINQ)

Disable Parking Violation (DPVINQ)

False Application (FALINQ)

Motor Vehicle (Sun Shading) (MVEINQ)

Judgments (JUDINQ)

Administrative Pe Se (ADMINQ)

Child Support (CSEINQ)

Identity Theft Passport (ITPINQ)

Juvenile Finding (JUVINQ)

DMV Admin Cancellation (GCNINQ)

Medical Control (MEDINQ)

Government Notification (GVNINQ)

Unpaid Jail Fee (JALINQ)

Bioptic Telescopic Lens (BTLINQ)

tip20px If active, click the More Button_More button to view more events.

Event InquiryEvent Inquiry

To process an Event inquiry

1.If not already open, Open the Customer Console using the customer's number or name.

From the Console Go To .....

Steps to Follow .....

Alerts Grid

There are no Alerts for this transaction.

Quick Navigation

Not available for this transaction.

Transaction Menu

1.Click the Transaction Menu button in the Main Menu Bar.

2.Navigate to Customer Inquiries>Compliance, Orders and Events>Events Selection(EVTSEL) and click it.

3.Click the Inquire Button_Inquire button to open the Events Selection Grid.

4.Continue with step 2.

Command Line

1. Enter EVENTS or EVTSEL on the Direct command line, then press the Enter key.

2.   The Events Selection screen opens.

tip20pxInquire on individual events by keying in the Direct Command Line the event inquiry name (ACCINQ, CNVINQ, JUDINQ, etc.). If there is only one event for that type, the inquiry form will open. Otherwise mySelect will display a message to go through Event Selection(EVTSEL).

3.   Continue with step 2.


tip20pxTo view only certain events, click in the Selection Keys bar to open the list of event types. Select certain event types to view by clicking the Yes radio button beside that type. Remember to click the Blank radio button on All Events. Then Click the Inquire Button_Inquire button to view those events.

tip20pxIf there are more than 13 Events, the Button_More button is enabled.  Clicking this retrieves another set of 13.

2.  After performing the Event Selection inquiry, click the Button_GreenRightArrow button next to the event to display details about that event.

3.  Scroll down the form to view the event information.

4. Click the Close Button_Close button to close the inquiry and go back to the selection list.

5.  Click the Back Button_Back button to go to the event's Inquire screen.

6. Click the Close Button_Close button on the Event Selection screen to exit the screen.

Topic Last Edited: 9/22/2015