EZ Fleet Renewal

A Fleet is defined as a group of vehicles with the same customer number and the same registration expiration date.


When an EZ Fleet user logs into mySelect, the DMV Select Notifications area on the main screen will display a message if there are any fleets that are eligible for renewal.

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Click to view full size


To open the Fleet Renewal screen, chose one of the following methods from the main screen.

From the Main Screen use  .....

Steps to Follow .....

Transaction Menu

1.Click the Transaction Menu button in the Main Menu Bar.

2.Navigate to Customer Registration Transactions>Fleet>Fleet Renewal(FLTMNT)

3.Click on the Fleet Renewal(FLTMNT), the Fleet Renewal Inquire form appears.

4.Enter the required key (Customer Number); Fleet Expiration Date is optional.

5.Click the Inquire Button_Inquire button.

6.Continue with step  

Direct Line

1.   Enter FLTMNT C=<customer number>, then press the Enter key.

2.   Continue with step


1.The Fleet Selection grid will display if there are more than one fleet for this customer and a Fleet Expiration Date was not entered. Click the Select Button_Select button to select the fleet to work with.  


ico_note The Fleet Renewal screen will open if there is only one fleet for this customer in mySelect.


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Click to view full size


Fleet Status



The fleet can be maintain and then renewed.


The fleet has been updated with changes and is ready for the renewal step.


The fleet renewal has been requested to run. This process is done in the DMV overnight batch.


The fleet renewal has been run in the DMV overnight batch.



2. Once the Fleet Renewal form opens with the customer information, select one of the three buttons on the Transaction Button Bar.



 a)    Use the Fleets button to go back to the Fleet Selection grid.

Click to view full size
Click to view full size



 b)    Use the Vehicles button to display a list of ALL vehicles in the fleet. Use the filters in section 1 to customize a search. Click the sections below for more details.


Click to view full size
Click to view full size


Toggle_ExpandedVehicles button - Section 1: Using Filter fields



Use one or more of the filters in any combination to customize a search for vehicle maintenance.


Field Name


Fleet Vehicle Status

Use the drop down to select and search by vehicle status.


Use the drop down to select and search by vehicle jurisdiction.

Unit Number

Enter the vehicle's unit number to search by unit number.

Plate Number

Enter the vehicle's plate number to search by plate number.


Enter the vehicle's Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) to search by VIN.

Title Number

Enter the vehicle's title number to search by title number.

Plate Category

Defaults to ALL or use the drop down to make a plate category selection to search by plate type.


Once the filters have been selected, click the Refresh List Button_RefreshList button to populate the desired report.


Click the Select Button_Select button to select an individual vehicle to maintain.

Toggle_ExpandedVehicles button - Section 2: Using the Menu Bar Buttons




Use the Menu Bar button(s) with the filter fields in section 1 to generate the report(s) or exit the screen.



Refresh List

Click this button to refresh the vehicle search list. After entering or changing any of the filters from section 1, you must click the Refresh List button in order to generate the new search.

Clear Filters

Click this button to clear all the filters in section 1.


Click this button to preview the report. Click the Print button to print the report.

Registration Cards

The Registration Card button will be enabled once the fleet has been renewed. Clicking the Registration Cards button will only print the renewed vehicle registration cards.  


Click this button to exit this screen.  

Toggle_ExpandedVehicles button - Section 3: Fleet Registration Information




The top section displays the Registration amount due for the entire fleet.

The middle section shows the number of vehicles in the fleet and a count of vehicles displayed in the list.

Both sections are protected.

At the bottom are the Prev and Next buttons. These become active if there are more than one page to the requested report. Click the Prev to go back to the previous page. Click the Next button to go to the next page.



Click the Select Button_Select button to select an individual vehicle to maintain.




   c)   Use the Renewal button to renew ALL vehicles within the fleet selected. Click on the sections below for more details.

Click to view full size
Click to view full size


Toggle_ExpandedRenewal button - Section 1: Emissions, HVUT and Plate Replacement Information




In section 1, when a radio button is mark Yes, this indicates at least one or more vehicles in the fleet has this requirement. These radio buttons are protected and can not be changed.


Toggle_ExpandedRenewal button - Section 2: Updates to vehicles in the Fleet




In section 2:

a)  Select the Registration Period for ALL vehicles in the fleet.

    The 1 year radio button will change ALL registrations to a 1 year renewal cycle.

    The 2 year radio button will change ALL registrations to a 2 year renewal cycle.  

    The As Set radio button will not change the renewal cycle periods and will stay as they are      currently.

b)  When selecting the PPTR Vehicle Use from the drop down, the selection will change all applicable vehicles.

c) Select the appropriate radio button for Active Military.

d)  When selecting the HVUT Status from the drop down, the selection will change all applicable vehicles.

Toggle_ExpandedRenewal button - Section 3: Registration Periods



Section 3 shows a breakdown of decals needed from inventory to process the three different renewal cycles and the amounts due.

a)The 1 Year column shows the number of vehicles in this fleet with a 1 year renewal cycle and the estimated amount due.

b)The 2 Year column shows the number of vehicles in this fleet with a 2 year renewal cycle and the estimated amount due.

c)The As Set column shows the number of vehicles in this fleet with the different renewal periods and the estimated amount due.

If a decal amount is displayed in a yellow warning box and the renewals are run with this Registration Period it will deplete the decals in the Misc cart.

If the decal amount is displayed in a red box the Renewal button will be disabled because there are not enough decals in the Misc Cart to process the fleet renewal.

Toggle_ExpandedRenewal button - Section 4: Available decal counts




In section 4 the Available column shows the total number of decals available in the Misc Cart.

Toggle_ExpandedRenewal button - Section 5: Menu Buttons




Clicking the Update button will preform a mass update as indicated by the selections made in sections 1 and 2. The Fleet status will change to MASS UPDATE DONE(H).

Clicking the Renew button will request the fleet renewal to be run. This process is done in the DMV overnight batch. Once the Renew button is clicked, the fleet is locked and cannot be changed. The Fleet Status will change to RENEWAL REQUESTED(R). To make fleet available for maintenance again, click the Unlock button.

Clicking the Unlock button will unlock the fleet so changes to the fleet may be made. The Fleet Status will changed back to ACTIVE(A).

Clicking the Download button will load the fleet into mySelect from the DMV mainframe system and undo the mass update. The Fleet Status will change to ACTIVE(A).