Trip Permit Issue

The Trip Permit Issue transaction is used to process an original trip permit. The trip permit may be issued to the owner or prospective purchaser of an unregistered motor vehicle, trailer or semi-trailer. Trip permits are good for 3 days.

For more information, see VLIC-4.232

To process a Trip Permit Issue transaction

1.If not already open, Open the Customer Console using the customer's number or name.

From the Console Go To

Steps to Follow .....

Alerts Grid

    There are no Alerts for this transaction.

Transaction Menu

1.Click the Transaction Menu button in the Main Menu Bar.

2.Navigate to Permit Transactions>Trip>Issue(TRPISS).

3.The Trip Permit Issue inquire form opens with the customer's information populated. Click the Inquire Button_Inquire button. The Trip Permit Issue transaction form opens.

4.Continue with step 2.

Command Line

1.   Enter TRPISS, then press the Enter key.

2.   The Trip Permit Issue transaction form opens with the customer's information populated.

3.   Continue with step 2.

Quick Navigation

Not available for this transaction.


2.Enter the required information as indicated by the Button_RequiredField icon and any other information needed then click the Process Button_Process button.

3.A pop up message displays as a reminder to verify the expiration date of the trip permit. Click the OK Button_OKbutton to close the message box.

4.Click the Process Button_Process button again. The Transaction Details dialog appears for entry of payment information.

5.Enter the payment information. For more information, see Payment Processing.

6.Click the Process Button_Process button.  The Trip Permit is printed and the Receipt Details dialog appears.

7.Print the receipt if requested.

8.Click the Close Button_Close button to close the Receipt Details dialog.  The Transaction Details dialog appears with the TRANSACTION PROCESSED - PERMIT ############ message.

9.Verify the expiration date of the trip permit. Then have the authorized person and/or seller sign and date the trip permit before giving it to the customer.

10.Click the Close Button_Close button to close the Transaction Details dialog.

11.Click the Close Button_Close button to complete the transaction.

Topic Last Edited: 1/16/2017