Mechanic's or Storage Lien Inquiry

The Mechanic's or Storage Lien Inquiry transaction searches the DMV system for any instances of a Mechanic's or Storage Lien transcript processed for a particular vehicle.

To inquire whether a Mechanic's or Storage Lien transcript was requested on a vehicle

1.If not already open, Open the Customer Console using the customer's number or name.

From the Console Go To .....

Steps to Follow .....

Alerts Grid

No alert is displayed for this transaction.

Quick Navigation

Not available for this transaction.

Transaction Menu

1.Click the Transaction Menu button in the Main Menu Bar.

2.Navigate to Transcript Transactions>Mechanic or Storage Lien Inquiry(MSLINQ) and click it. The MSL Inq inquire form opens. Enter the VIN to inquire on. Click the Inquire Button_Inquire button.

3.Continue with the steps below.

Command Line

1.  Enter MSLINQ V=<VIN> on the Direct command line, then press the Enter key.

2.  The MSL Inq form opens or the Mechanics or Storage Lien Selection grid opens.

3.  Continue with the steps below.

2.The systems searches the vehicle record for any Mechanic's or Storage Lien transcripts that have been requested.

Only one?

If only one transcript was requested on the vehicle, the MSL Inq form opens displaying information about the vehicle, the MSL Applicant and Titling Service.


More than one?

If more than one transcript has been requested, the Mechanic or Storage Lien Selection grid appears displaying all applicants that have requested a transcript. Notice, the Transcript ID number and Owner State displays on the selection grid.

Clicking the ico_plus expands each lien to display more information. Or, click the Select Button_Select button to open the lien in the MSL Inquiry screen.

Click to view full size
Click to view full size


None requested?

If no mechanics or storage liens have been requested, a message indicating "RECORD NOT FOUND WITH MSL VIN<vin#> appears.



3.  Scroll down the form to view the information.

4.  Click the Close Button_Close button to close the transaction.

See also

Mechanic's or Storage Lien Transaction

Topic Last Edited: 11/7/2016