The Miscellaneous Refund Maintenance is used to maintain a Miscellaneous Refund.
To process a Miscellaneous Refund Maintenance transaction
1.If not already open, Open the Customer Console using the customer's number or name.
From the Console Go To ..... |
Steps to Follow ..... |
Alerts Grid |
No alert is displayed for this transaction. |
Quick Navigation |
Not available for this transaction. |
Transaction Menu |
1.Click the Transaction Menu button in the Main Menu Bar. 2.Navigate to Miscellaneous Refund Transactions>Miscellaneous Refund Maintenance(RRDETM) and click it. The Miscellaneous Refund Maintenance Inquire form opens. 3.Click the Inquire 4.Continue with the steps below. |
Command Line |
1. Enter RRDETM on the Direct command line, then press the Enter key. 2. The Miscellaneous Refund Maintenance transaction form opens. 3. Continue with the steps below. |
If more than one refund exists, the Miscellaneous Refund Selection list opens. Click the
button next to the refund you would like to do maintenance on.
2.Enter the updated or corrected information in the appropriate fields, then click the Process button. The transaction is processed and theTransaction Details dialog appears with a processed message.
3.Click the Close button to close the Transaction Details dialog.
4.Click the Close button to complete the transaction.