Motor Carrier Additional Address Inquiry

The Motor Carrier Additional Address Inquiry transaction displays additional address information about a Motor Carrier customer.

To process a Motor Carrier Additional Address Inquiry

1.If not already open, Open the Customer Console. If the customer number does not exist use the Transaction menu or Direct Command Line.

From the Main Window Go To .....

Steps to Follow .....

Alerts Grid

     No alert is displayed for this transaction.

Quick Navigation

    Not available for this transaction.

Transaction Menu

1.Click the Transaction Menu button in the Main Menu Bar.

2.Navigate to Motor Carrier>Operating Authority>Motor Carrier Additional Address Inquiry(ISIADR) and click it. The Motor Carrier Additional Address Inquiry inquire form opens with the customer number populated.

3.Click the Inquire Button_Inquire button to open the Motor Carrier Additional Address Inquiry detail form.

4.Continue with the steps below.

Command Line

1.  Enter ISIADR on the Direct command line, then press the Enter key.

2.  The Motor Carrier Additional Address Inquiry detail form opens with the customer and address information populated.

3.  Continue with the steps below.

Quick Navigation

From the Motor Carrier Additional Address Inquiry screen

Click the Quick Navigation Button_QuickNavigation button on the Transaction Button bar to go to

Motor Carrier Customer Inquiry (ISICUS)

notes20px Under the Row Section, click the Button_PlusSign to see additional information about the address.

2.Scroll down to view the information as needed.

3.Click the Close Button_Close button to close the form.


Motor Carrier Services Contact: (804) 249-5130

Topic Last Edited: 1/16/2017