Pre-Compliance Change

The Pre-Compliance Change is used to change the information posted in pre-compliance. Changes may be made to Conviction information, Non Compliance Fee, Reinstatement Fee, Vehicle Administrative Fee received dates.


To Change the Pre-Compliance Items    

1.If not already open, Open the Customer Console using the customer's number or name.

From the Console Go To .....

Steps to Follow .....

Alerts Grid

There are no Alerts for this transaction.

Quick Navigation

Not available for this transaction.

Transaction Menu

1.Click the Transaction Menu button in the Main Menu Bar.

2.Navigate to Customer Transaction>Compliance, Orders and Events>Pre-Compliance(PRECOMC).

3.Click the Inquire Button_Inquire button to open the Pre-Compliance Selection screen.

4.Continue with the steps below.

Command Line

1.   Enter PRECOMC on the Direct command line, then press the Enter key.

2.   The Pre-Compliance Selection form opens.

3.   Continue with the steps below.


To Change the Conviction information:

1.Click the Button_PlusSign to the left of the Direct column next to the Conviction Description to view. This will display some information about the conviction. This is useful if there are multiple convictions with the same description.

2.Click the Button_Dropdown button and select PRECHG under the Direct column next to the Conviction Description to view. Click the Button_GreenRightArrow button to open the conviction information. Use the Button_Globe to find the correct conviction code and description. Correct the other information in the open fields by simply re-keying the information.

3.Click the Close Button_Close button to complete the transaction.


To Change the Received Date on the fees:

1.Click the Button_Dropdown button and select PRECHG under the Direct column next to the Fee type to change. Click the Button_GreenRightArrow button to open the selected fee. Change Received Date field as needed.

2.Click the Close Button_Close button to complete the transaction.


VASAP Information:

        VASAP information can not be changed.



Topic Last Edited: 6/22/2019