Release 11.1.13 (11/17/2016)

Release 11.1.13 includes the following changes for the Customer Service Centers and Weigh Stations:


Related Help ...

Mechanic or Storage Lien Inquiry (HB 940)

Starting in December 2016, DMV 's website may be used as one of the public places for posting notice for vehicle property owners that reside out of state or have an unknown address.

Two new fields have been added to the Mechanic or Storage Lien Inquiry screen in the Vehicle Information section. They are "Transcript ID Number" and "Owner Address State Code".

When printing the MSL transcript it will also display the Transcript ID Number.

The NADA Loan Value and NADA Loan Date have been changed to NADA Trade Value and NADA Trade Date





MSL Inquiry

Motor Carrier Citation-Contested Case Inquiry

Two new fields have been added and 1 has been renamed in the Citation Information section.

"Officer/Agent Code" has been added

"Officer" has been changed to “Name”

“Type” has been added


Contest Case Inquiry

Transcript fee increase

As of November 1, 2016 the cost of any driver or vehicle type transcripts have gone up an additional $1.00.




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Topic Last Edited: 8/14/2017