Renamimg a Terminal

How to Rename a Terminal (Manager Role ONLY)

1.After opening mySelect click Help located on the top Main Menu Bar.


2.Then click About DMV Select and locate the License #. Make note of the license number as it will be needed in a later step. Click the Button_OK button to close the window.





3.From the Main Menu Bar, Click Tools>Settings and then select Manage Terminals.





4.Click the desired License Key (as noted from a previous step) and then click the Edit Terminal Button_Edit_Terminal button on the menu bar.






5.The Terminal Name field opens. Enter a terminal name that best identifies its location.






6.Click the Save Changes Button_Save_Changes button on the Menu Bar to save the changes made.



To search for License Key(s)



1.Use the Filter Terminal List area to search for a license key or series of license keys. Enter the full or partial license key or the Terminal Name, then click the Filter button. A list that matches the key or name will display.





2.Click the desired License Key found and then click the Edit Terminal Button_Edit_Terminal button on the menu bar.

3.Click the Clear Button_ClearKey button to clear the two search fields.


4.Continue with step 5 above.


Topic Last Edited: 5/26/2015