Supplemental Lien Title

A Supplemental Lien Title is a title with the lien holder(s) that have been added after the original title has been issued.

To process a Supplemental Lien Title Transaction

1.If not already open, open the Customer Console.

2.Expand the Vehicle section by clicking somewhere on its heading.  The Quick Link drop-down appears.

3.Select TTLSUP Supplemental Lien.

4.Click the Button_QuickLink button.   A HOST message appears instructing you to enter the title date.

5.In the Title Document Date field, enter the date from the title document.  If the customer does not have their title document, you can process the Maintain Vehicle transaction to get the Title Document Date value.

6.Click the Inquire Button_Inquire button.

7.The Supplemental Lien Title transaction form appears.

8.Scroll down to the Lien Information section and enter the lien information.

9.When done, click the Process Button_Process button.

If there is a beneficiary on the title, a message will appear advising you that the beneficiary will be deleted.  Press the Enter key to close the message, then click the Process Button_Process button again to continue.


Topic Last Edited: 1/21/2015