Transfer Registration

The Transfer Registration transaction is used to allow a customer to transfer license plates from one vehicle to another vehicle registered in his name.

To process Transfer Registration

1.If not already open, Open the Customer Console using the customer's number or name.

From the Console Go To

Steps to Follow .....

Alerts Grid

    If the customer has more than 15 active vehicles, the following alert will display.


Customer has # active vehicles; Vehicle grid is disabled

1.Clicking the Button_GreenRightArrow button will launch the Vehicles Currently Owned by Customer grid.

2.Click the Button_MoreDataAvailable to see more vehicles.

3.Click the Select Button_Select button next to the vehicle to view information about that vehicle.

4.Use the Transaction Menu or Direct Command Line to go to Transfer Registration.

5.Continue with the steps below.

Vehicle Grid

If the customer has less than 15 vehicles, they will be listed under the green Vehicles section bar.

1.Click anywhere on the green Vehicles section bar to open it.

2.Click the Button_DownArrow in the Direct field next to the destination vehicle.

3.Select Transfer Registration.  REGTRA appears in the Direct field.

4.Click the Button_QuickLink button to navigate to the Transfer Registration inquire form.

5.Continue with the steps below.

Transaction Menu

1.Click the Transaction Menu button in the Main Menu Bar.

2.Navigate to Registration Transactions>Customer Registration>Transfer Registration(REGTRA).

3.The Transfer Registration inquire form opens.

4.Continue with the steps below.

Command Line

1.   Enter REGTRA, then press the Enter key.

2.   Continue with the steps below.

Quick Navigation

Not available for this transaction.

2.Enter the plate number to be transferred from in the FROM: Plate Number Field.

3.Enter the title number and VIN/VIN4 of the vehicle receiving the plates in the TO: Title Number and VIN/VIN4 fields.

4.When done, click the Inquire Button_Inquire button.  The Transfer Registration transaction appears.

5.Enter the required information as indicated by the Button_RequiredField icon and any other information needed then click the Process Button_Process button.


ico_note If you are attempting to transfer a plate from a vehicle to a vehicle without the same owner(s), a manager override is required.


6.The Transaction Details Payment dialog appears. Enter the payment information.

LightBulbFor more information about processing multiple transactions, see Payment Processing.

7.Click the Process Button_Process button.  The transaction is processed and the Receipt Details dialog appears. Print the receipt if requested.

8.Click the Close Button_Close button to close the Receipt Details dialog.  The Transaction Details dialog appears with the TRANSACTION PROCESSED ############ message. (#####= the new title number)

9.Click the Close Button_Close button to close the Transaction Details dialog.

10.Click the Close Button_Close button to complete the transaction.


See Also

For more information, see VLIC-4.120


Topic Last Edited: 1/17/2017