Vehicle Disposition by Title

The Vehicle Disposition by Title screen is used to enter vehicle information associated with surrendered vehicles. The information is collected and held until the nightly batch runs and then marks the vehicle record accordingly. This is also known as Vehicle Mass Surrender.

To Process Vehicle Disposition by Title

From the Main Window Go To .....

Steps to Follow .....

Transaction Menu

1.Click the Transaction Menu button in the Main Menu Bar.

2.Navigate to Titling Transactions>Maintain Title>Vehicle Disposition by Title(VEHTTL) and click it. The Vehicle Disposition by Title screen opens.

3.Continue with the steps below.

Command Line

1.  Enter VEHTTL on the Direct command line, then press the Enter key.

2.  The Vehicle Disposition by Title screen opens.

3.  Continue with the steps below.

Quick Navigation

Not available for this transaction.


1.Enter the required information as indicated by the Button_RequiredField icon and any other information as necessary.

Click to view full size
Click to view full size


2.After the vehicle information has been entered, click the Button_Process button.

3.The Transaction Details dialog appears with the Transaction Processed message.

4.Click the Close Button_Close button to close the Transaction Details dialog.

5.Click the Close Button_Close button to complete the transaction.

Topic Last Edited: 1/25/2017