To view all citations associated with a Motor Carrier Customer, use the All Citations for Customer transaction.
To view all citations for a Motor Carrier customer
From the Dashboard Go To ..... |
Steps to Follow ..... |
Transaction Menu |
1.Click the Transaction Menu button in the Main Menu Bar. 2.Navigate to Motor Carrier>Citation>All Citations for Customer(CTICTA) and click it. 3.The View All Citations for Customer inquiry form appears. |
Direct Command Line |
1. Enter CTICTA on the Direct command line, then press the Enter key. 2. The View All Citations for Customer inquiry form appears. |
Quick Navigation |
From the All Citations for Customer screen Click the Quick Navigation •Citation Contest Inquiry •Citation Customer name Inquiry •Citation Summary Inquiry by Citation Number •Suspended Citations for Customer |
1. Enter one of the following in the Customer Number field.
•IFTA License Number
•MC Number
•US DOT Number
•Driver's License Number.
2. In the Citations option, select the option representing the type of citations you would like to see
Option |
Result |
All |
Displays all citations. |
Motor Carrier |
Displays only citations associated with Motor Carrier violations - Intrastate Operating Authority, IFTA, IRP, etc. |
Overweight |
Displays only overweight citations. |
3. Click the Inquire button. The All Citations for Customer transaction form opens.
To see more detail about a citation, scroll down to the Citation Detail Information section. Click the next to the citation to expand the screen and display the citation detail.
4. To navigate to one of the following screens, click the down arrow button in the Direct column and make a selection.
The CTIINQ option will take you to either the Overweight Citation or the Motor Carrier Citation Inquiry depending on which citation is selected.
Code |
Screen |
Citation Tracking Payment |
Overweight Citation Inquiry by Citation Number |
Motor Carrier Citation Inquiry |
5. Click the green arrow to launch the form.
If more options are needed, click the button from the transaction's button bar, to navigate to one of the following:
•Citation Contest Inquiry
•Citation Customer Name Inquiry
•Citation Summary Inquiry by Citation Number
•Suspended Citations For Customer
6. Click the Close button to close the transaction.