Compliance Workflow

The Compliance Workflow is unique to all other transaction processing. The Next Button_Next button is used to navigate through the workflow. A Finish Button_Finish button is also available which will allow you to skip the remaining orders and jump to the payment window.

LightBulbThe Process Button_Process button has a very specific role in this unique work flow.
You must click Process BEFORE clicking Next Order Button_NextOrder in order to save the compliance information entered.  You'll see this discussed in Step C below.


Toggle_ExpandedStep A: Review Compliance Summary with Customer

1.If not already open, Open the Customer Console.

2.From the Alerts section, click the Button_GreenRightArrow button next to COMSUM2.

3.To print the summary, click the Process Button_Process button.

4.Retrieve the document from the printer and review with the customer.

Toggle_ExpandedStep B: Navigate to Compliance Update

1.After reviewing the Compliance Summary with the customer (Step A), click the Quick Navigation Button_QuickNavigation button.  A drop-down appears.

2.Select Compliance Update.

3.Legal Presence or Financial Responsibility or Ignition Interlock issues exist?


i.The LP/FR44/LOK Notice screen appears displaying the appropriate information to be reviewed with the customer.  

To resolve the Legal Presence or FR44 requirements, use Quick Navigation by:

Clicking SR22/FR44 to add Financial Responsibility

Clicking Add Legal Presence to add legal presence items.


LightBulbLaunching either of these transactions will end the Compliance workflow. When done, you will need to restart at Step B.

ii.Click the Next Button_Next button to continue the Compliance workflow


b.No - the next screen displays.

4.   Fees Owed?


i.The Fees Owed screen appears.

tip20pxThe Reinstatement Fee Due field will display the highest fee that is owed. However, you can enter the received date on the FIRST Reinstatement Fee regardless of the amount. The system will calculate and post the largest amount in the payment window and waive (complied by previous order) all other reinstatement fees on the remaining orders.

ii.Review the information and discuss with the customer.

iii.Click the Next Button_Next button to continue the Compliance workflow

b.No - the next screen displays.

Toggle_ExpandedStep C: Comply the Order(s)

1.After the Compliance Notice and Fees Owed screens are displayed and reviewed, the first order requiring compliance appears. If the data entered is valid, the following message will appear. This message will appear for each order.


Continue through each order, compiling each outstanding requirement as necessary. Once the payment is collected mySelect sends the compliance information to the database and the customer's orders are updated.

To ...

Do This ...

Enter fee payment information only

1.Enter the fee received date (always the current date).

2.Click the Process button.  The "Data Validated" message appears.

3.Click OK to close the message.

4.Click the Next Order button to continue or the Finish button.

Enter requirement information only.

1.Enter all requirement information.

2.Click the Process button.  The "Data Validated" message appears.

3.Click OK to close the message.

4.Click the Next Order button to continue or the Finish button.

Enter fee payment information and other requirement information

1.Enter the fee received date (always the current date).

2.Enter all requirement information.

3.Click the Process button.  The "Data Validated" message appears.

4.Click OK to close the message.

5.Click the Next Order button to continue or the Finish button.

Skip the Order without entering any fees and/or requirement information.

1.Click the Next Order button to continue or the Finish button.

2.When you are on the last Order, clicking the Next Order button will generate the payment window if monies are owed. Otherwise, mySelect will take you out of the Order workflow and back to the Compliance Update screen.

Order Workflow Navigation Tips




Navigation - click to go to the next order. If you are currently on the last order, will display the next step in the workflow, depending on the scenario.


Navigation - Click to skip all orders and go to the next step outside of the sequence of orders, which would be the payment dialog if fees were added.


Navigation - You must click the Process button to save any fee or requirements entered before clicking Next Order. If you do not, you will lose your changes.


This button appears on COMP05 (Fines & Costs) if there are more than two court receipts to comply with.

This is a sub-workflow within the Order workflow.  If this button appears, the Next Order and Finish buttons are disabled until all court receipts have been viewed, which means the sub-workflow is complete

Toggle_ExpandedStep D: Complete Compliance Processing

1.No compliance item(s) were updated

i. mySelect will display a message box indicating no compliance items were updated. This happens when the Next button or the Finish button is clicked, skipping each order without updating any requirements.  


ii. Click the OKButton_OKbutton to continue.

iii. Skip to Number 4.


2.All requirements met?


i.The Print Clearance Letter message appears.


ii.Clicking Yes will add $8 to the total fees due and print the clearance letter.

b. No. See next step.


3.    Fee payment information added?


          i. The Transaction Details dialog appears for payment to be entered.

         ii. Enter payment information.

         iii. Click the Process button.

         iv. The Receipt Details dialog appears. Click the Print Receipt Button_Print_Receipt button to print the receipt if requested.

         v.  Click Close Button_Close to finish.

         vi. mySelect will display a message box indicating if the customer is eligible or ineligible for licensing. Click the OKButton_OKbutton to continue.

        vii. The Transaction Details dialog appears.

tip20pxIf needed, Click the View Receipt button to view or print the receipt, click Close to exit. Click the Fee button to view the fee breakdown,  click Close to exit. Click the Correct Payment button to correct the method of payment , click the Update button to update the changes or click the Close button to exit.


b. No.

       i. mySelect will display a message box indicating if the customer is eligible or ineligible for licensing. Click the OKButton_OKbutton to continue.

       ii. The Transaction Details dialog appears. Click Close Button_Close to exit.



4.   The Pre-Compliance message appears.


a. Click Yes to add Pre-Compliance items

i.The Pre-Compliance Add transaction appears.

b. Click No to exit

i.The transaction is completed.

notes20pxTo delete the Pre-Compliance fees, recall the transaction in List Transactions or L=xxxxx (log number) then Click the Button_Void button. The Pre-Compliance fees are removed and the financial record is marked as Closed. No need to go to CORREV to indicate a shortage.


See Also

hmtoggle_plus12014 Legislation - DUI Ignition Interlock Notification

SB482: DUI 1st Ignition Interlock requirement message:

Click to view full size
Click to view full size

The LOK message will display if the customer has been granted restricted privileges and is applying for a restricted license during a DUI 1st suspension/revocation. Before proceeding, inform the customer that an ignition interlock device is required and confirm that it has been installed on a minimum of one vehicle.


hmtoggle_plus12017 Legislation - DUI 1st and 2nd Ignition Interlock Notification for an Employer's Vehicle

HB2231 Not requiring the ignition interlock requirement if the customer presents a DC-266 court order and has been granted restrictions C or C and F for an EMPLOYER'S VEHICLE ONLY.

Topic Last Edited: 6/17/2017