The Correct Revenue transaction is used to correct the type of payment or to identify an overage or shortage in order to balance the cash drawer at the end of the day.

To process a Correct Revenue

Finding the transaction to correct can be found in one of the ways listed below.

1.Correct payment can be made at the time of the transaction by clicking the Correct Payment Button_CorrectPayment button in the Transaction Details window. This will open the Correct Payment window where the correction can be made.


2.From the Direct command line, enter L=##### (#####= the transaction log number) then press Enter. The transaction will open. Click the Details Button_Details button to open the Transaction Details window. Then click the Correct Payment Button_CorrectPayment button to open the Correct Payment window.


3.Click the List Transactions Button_Transactions button. Find the transaction that needs correcting then click the Select Button_Select button. Click the Details Button_Details button to open the Transaction Details window. Then click the Correct Payment Button_CorrectPayment button to open the Correct Payment window.


Once the Correct Payment window is open, make the correction as necessary.



hmtoggle_plus1To change the payment type

1. Zero out the amount and re-enter that amount in the correct payment type field.

2. Enter an Explanation for the correction by using the drop down Button_Dropdown to select an explanation. If OTHER (OTH) is selected, enter the explanation in the Other Explanation box.

3. Click the Update Button_Update button to process the correction.

4. Click the Close Button_Close button to close the Correct Payment window.

5. Click the Close Button_Close button to close the Transaction Details window.

hmtoggle_plus1For Overages or Shortages

1. Zero out the amount and re-enter that amount in the Overage or Shortage field.

2. Enter a Reason Over/Short by using the drop down Button_Dropdown to select a reason.

tip20px If the Reason Over/Short is COMPLIANCE CORRECTION (CMC), the COMPLIANCE CORRECTION (CMC) Authorization box will open if you do not have authority to complete this transaction. The authorizing person must enter and process their credentials before the correction may be made.

3. If an overage was processed using a credit card, and the credit card needs to receive the credit, click the Credit Charge Acct box.

4. Enter an Explanation for the overage or shortage by using the drop down Button_Dropdown to select an explanation. If OTHER (OTH) is selected, enter the explanation in the Other Explanation box.

5.Click the Update Button_Update button to process the correction.

6. Click the Close Button_Close button to close the Correct Payment window.

7. Click the Close Button_Close button to close the Transaction Details window.

hmtoggle_plus1Correcting Revenue for Debit/Credit/Gift Cards (NOT from the cart)

1.Zero out the amount and re-enter that amount in the correct payment type field (Cash and/or Check).

2.Enter an Explanation for the correction by using the drop down Button_Dropdown to select an explanation. If OTHER (OTH) is selected, enter the explanation in the Other Explanation box.

3.Click the Update Button_Update button to process the correction.

4.Once processed, mySelect will display a confirmation message. Click OK to continue.


5.Click the Close Button_Close button to close the Correct Payment window.

6.Click the Close Button_Close button to close the Transaction Details window.


hmtoggle_plus1Correcting Revenue for Debit/Credit/Gift Cards (from the cart)

1.Find the transaction that needs correcting, then Click the Details Button_Details button to open the Transaction Details window. Click the Correct Payment Button_CorrectPayment button to open the Correct Payment window.

Since the Customer Cart was used to complete the transaction, the transaction is return in the Customer Cart. Notice the Cart has a "Correct Payment" button and a "Void" button(s).

Click to view full size
Click to view full size


2.After clicking the Correct Payment button, it is replaced with an "Update" button and the payment type fields are open.

Click to view full size
Click to view full size


3.Enter the new payment amount(s) in the appropriate box(es) and click the Update button.

See Also

CSCOM-205.3 - Revenue Collection Overage/Shortage Accountability



Topic Last Edited: 8/12/2015