Enter/Modify Deposit

Enter/Modify Deposit is used to enter all monies deposited for a particular work day.  Cash, check, and credit card deposits are entered on this transaction.

To Enter a Deposit

1.From the main window's button bar, click the Settlements Button_Settlements button.  The List Settlements dialog appears displaying all open settlements.

2.Click the Select Button_Select button next to the settlement for which you want to enter a deposit.  The Maintain Settlement dialog appears.

3.From the button bar along the top, click the Enter/Modify Deposit button.  The Enter Deposit dialog appears.


4.Press Tab.  Your insertion point is in the Certification Number field.

If ....

Then ...

Using a pre-printed Deposit Certificate


1.Click in the Certification Number field.  The value displayed represents your Location Number. Do not delete those numbers!


2.Click to the right of the last number.  The Location Number is then un-highlighted and your insertion point is blinking ready for you to enter the remaining numbers from your deposit certificate.

3.Enter the remaining numbers from your deposit certificate.

Using a temporary Deposit Certificate

1.Click in the Certification Number field.

2.Delete the value in that field, which represents your Location Number.

3.Enter the numbers from your temporary deposit certificate.

5.Tab to the Amount field for Cash/Check Deposit.

6.Enter the total for cash and checks.

7.Tab to the Date field and enter today's date.

8.Tab to the Amount field for Charge Deposit.

9.Enter the total for charges.

10.Tab to the Date field and enter today's date.  The Maintain Settlement dialog should now look similar to this, with your pertinent data.


11.Click the Process Button_Process button.  A dialog appears displaying the Certification Number you entered.


12.Confirm the Certification Number displayed matches the actual number on your deposit slip.  If it does not, click the No button and correct it.

13.Click the Yes button.  A dialog appears advising the transaction was processed.

14.Click the OK button.  A dialog appears advising the Bank Deposit was entered.

15.Click the OK button.

16.From the Maintain Settlement dialog, click the Close Button_Close button.

ico_note The next step in closing your office is to perform the Close Office process.

Topic Last Edited: 8/4/2014