EVVE Overview
The Vital Events transaction electronically checks birth certificates for U.S. born customers and for those customers who do not have a paper copy of their birth certificate using the National Association of Public Health Statistics and Information Systems (NAPHSIS), which is a national clearinghouse of states' vital records, called EVVE (Electronic Verification of Vital Events).
The EVVE transaction is a three-step process:

For more help in understanding EVVE, please visit either of the following intranet resources:
•Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about EVVE, Click here
•DLG-0702 - Electronic Certification of Birth Certificate
•The related document distribution procedures, Click here
Before You Get Started
The following information must exist on the customer's record before beginning the EVVE transaction:
•Last Name
•First Name
•Date of Birth
If any of this information is not present, as viewed on the Customer Console, please process the Change Name transaction.
1.If not already open, Open the Customer Console. 2.From the Customer Console, click the Quick Navigation button. 3.From the drop-down, select Vital Event. The following message appears: 
4.Click the OK button to close the message. The Vital Event inquiry screen appears. 
Notice the Customer Number, Customer Name, and Date of Birth are automatically populated for you from the Customer Console.
5.From the Birth Jurisdiction drop-down, select the customer's birth state. 6.Click the Inquire button. mySelect checks the customer's record to determine if Legal Presence has already been established. If it has not, the Vital Event transaction appears, displaying information from the customer's record. |
1.The Certification Information section of the Vital Event transaction contains important information used by the EVVE inquiry. The information entered in this section must match EXACTLY what is found in EVVE. DMV is charged for each requested submitted EVVE. Double-check your work to ensure it is accurate!

•Mother's Maiden Name - Enter only her last name at birth. •Father's Surname - This information is optional. Since the information entered in this section must match exactly what is in the clearinghouse, it is suggested you leave this blank, unless Mother's Maiden Name returns too many results. •Customer's Gender If different - If the customer's gender is now different from when they were born, select the applicable gender. If you select one and wish to unselect it, click the Reset circle. If you change the gender, a manager override is required to process it. 2.After entering the information in the Certification Information section, click the Send to EVVE button. The request is submitted to the clearinghouse and the results are returned, populating the EVVE Results Information section, depending on the scenario. The following table describes the possible responses received from the EVVE inquiry. Please process the transaction based on the results you receive.
Match Found
Message is displayed:
Match found. Review results before processing the transaction.

You must complete the transaction by reviewing the results in the EVVE Results Information section.
You cannot void an Vital Event transaction if a "Match Found" response is received.
No Match
Message is displayed:
No match found. Would you like to edit and retry?

1.Scroll down into the EVVE Results Returned section and view the Description returned, which describes the reason for the no match. 2.Verify the information you entered in the Name Information and Certification Information sections. •If errors are found, correct them, then click the Send to EVVE button again. •If errors are not found, void the transaction. See Void EVVE transaction. |
Errors Resulting in Transaction Abandonment:
Duplicate Records
 | Click to view full size |
See Void Transaction below.
Jurisdiction not available
Runtime error
Errors/Scenarios Which Can Be Resolved:
No Match - Check First Name
1.Verify the first name of the customer as entered in the Name Information section. •If errors are found, correct them, then click the Send to EVVE button again. •If errors are not found, void the transaction. See Void EVVE transaction. |
No Match - Check Last Name
1.Verify the last name of the customer as entered in the Name Information section. •If errors are found, correct them, then click the Send to EVVE button again. •If errors are not found, void the transaction. See Void EVVE transaction. |
Duplicate records - enter optional fields and retry
This result code indicates more than one record has been found. Help to narrow the search by providing more information.
1.In the Fathers Surname field, enter the father's surname. 2.Click the Send to EVVE button again. |
No match - check mother's maiden name
1.Verify the mother's maiden name in the Certification Information section is correct. •If errors are found, correct them, then click the Send to EVVE button again. •If errors are not found, void the transaction. See Void EVVE transaction. |
Duplicate Records - contact data management
Jurisdiction not available - call data management
Jurisdiction data not available for requested year.
Data is not available for the customer's birth year
Message displayed:
 | Click to view full size |
1.Click OK button. The transaction is cleared. 2.Follow your operational process for communicating to the customer that the data is not available for their birth year. |
No Match
1.Verify the mother's maiden name is the same as the customer's last name as entered in the Name Information section. •If errors are found, correct them, then click the Send to EVVE button again. •If errors are not found, void the transaction. See Void EVVE transaction. |
No Match
1.Verify the father's surname is the same as the customer's last name as entered in the Name Information section. •If errors are found, correct them, then click the Send to EVVE button again. •If errors are not found, void the transaction. See Void EVVE transaction. |
No match - check father's surname
This result code indicates everything matched, except the father's surname.
1.Double-check the father's surname and make any corrections needed. 2.If modified, click the Send to EVVE button again. |
When an match is found in the EVVE clearinghouse, the transaction must be completed in mySelect so that the customer's record is updated to reflect legal presence.
1.From the transaction's button bar, click the Process button. The Manager Authorization dialog appears. 
2.Have someone in a management role review the documentation presented, then respond to each of the items on the authorization dialog and click the OK button. mySelect updates the customer's record. The Transaction Details dialog appears to enter payment information. 3.Enter the payment information. 4.From the Fee window, click the Process button. The system updates the customer's record, prints the cover sheet, and prints the receipt if you requested same. The final Transaction Details dialog also then appears displaying a recap of the transaction. 5.Click the Close button. The transaction is cleared. |
Void Transaction
If you receive an unrecoverable error, you must close the transaction, recall it, then void it as follows:
1.Click the Close
button. The transaction is closed and stored as an "Incomplete" transaction.
2.Click the Transactions
button. The List Transactions dialog appears.
3.Click the Select
button next to the EVVE transaction you just attempted. The transaction is recalled to the screen.
4.Click the Void
There are two request types supported by EVVE:
1.Certification - The customer does not have a birth certificate and wants to submit an application for one. 2.Verification - The customer has a birth certificate and wants to submit it as legal presence. Your inquiry is verifying its authenticity. You must be logged in as a user with or Lead or Management role in order to process a Verification transaction.
1.When launching the Vital Event transaction, if you are logged in as a Lead or Manager role, you will see the following message instructing you to select type of event, Certification or Verification. 
2.You will then need to select Certification of Verification, depending on the type of process you would like to execute. 3.The three result codes below are unique to the Verification request.
No Match - Check Date of Birth
For the customer from the birth certificate
1.Verify the customer's date of birth on the birth certificate is the same as entered in the Name Information section. •If errors are found, correct them, then click the Send to EVVE button again. •If errors are not found, void the transaction. See Void EVVE transaction. |
No Match - Check Jurisdiction Date Filed
From birth certificate
No Match - Check Jurisdiction File Number
From birth certificate