Maintain Vehicle (Page 3)

Maintain Vehicle (Page 3) is used to make changes or corrections to a title record.  The following  information is editable on this transaction:

Title Maintenance 3 (miscellaneous info)

Add Lessee Customer Information

Please refer to the Vehicle Licensing Guide, as needed.

To process a Maintain Vehicle (Page 3) transaction

1.If not already open, Open the Customer Console using the customer's number or name.

From the Console Go To .....

Path to Follow .....

Alerts Grid

There are no alerts for this transaction.

Vehicle Grid

1.Expand the Vehicles section by clicking somewhere in the green bar.

2.Click the Button_DownArrow in the Direct field next to the desired vehicle.

3.Scroll down and select Maintain Vehicle (Page 3). TTLMV3 appears in the Direct field.

4.Click the Button_QuickLink button.  The Maintain Vehicle - Page 3 transaction form opens with the customer and vehicle information populated.

5.Continue with the steps below.

Transaction Menu

1.Click the Transaction Menu button in the Main Menu Bar.

2.Navigate to Titling Transactions>Maintain Vehicle (Page 3)(TTLMV3) and click it.

3.The Maintain Vehicle (Page 3) inquire form opens. Enter the required key combinations (Title Number and VIN/VIN4 OR VIN/VIN4 and Customer Number).

4.Click the Inquire Button_Inquire button. The Maintain Vehicle - Page 3 transaction form opens with the customer and vehicle information populated.

5.Continue with the steps below.

Command Line

1. Enter TTLMV3 on the Direct command line, then press the Enter key.

2. The Maintain Vehicle (Page 3) inquire form opens. Enter the required key combinations (Title Number and VIN/VIN4 OR VIN/VIN4 and Customer Number).

3. Click the Inquire Button_Inquire button. The Maintain Vehicle - Page 3 transaction form opens with the customer and vehicle information populated.

4. Continue with the steps below.

Quick Navigation

From the Maintain Vehicle (Page 3) screen

Click the Quick Navigation Button_QuickNavigation button on the Transaction Button bar to go to

Change All Addresses

Maintain Vehicle (Page 1)

Maintain Vehicle (Page 2)

Maintain Vehicle Owners


2.Enter the required information based on your customer's scenario.


ico_note If there is a beneficiary named on the title, you cannot have more than one owner.


3.Click the Process Button_Process button. The transaction is processed. The Transaction Details dialog appears with the TRANSACTION PROCESSED ######## message (########=the current title number).


Button_RequiredField If clicking Sunshading in the Title Maintenance 3 section and the customer does not have a Motor Vehicle (Sun Shading) event for this vehicle, the following message will pop up. mySelect will open the Motor Vehicle (Sun Shading) - Add screen so the event can be added.

TTLMV3_Sunshading MSG


4.Click the Close Button_Close button to close the Transaction Details dialog.

5.Click the Close Button_Close button to complete the transaction.


See also

Maintain Vehicle (Page 1)

Maintain Vehicle (Page 2)


Topic Last Edited: 11/6/2017