NMVTIS NM04 Verify Validity of Title


NMVTIS electronically verifies data between states, the private sector, service providers (i.e. salvage yards), and users.


ico_note  While all vehicles built after 1980 had to have the standard 17 character VIN, states can still assign a VIN shorter than 17.  If the VIN you enter is less than 17 characters, NMVTIS will return a warning message, which you can ignore.

To verify validity of a Title


From the Dashboard Go To .....

Steps to Follow .....

Transaction Menu

1.Click the Transaction Menu button in the Main Menu Bar.

2.Navigate to NMVTIS Transactions>NMVTIS Inquiries>NMVTIS NM04 Verify Validity of Title(NTSAVT) and click it.

3.The NMVTIS NM04 Verify Validity of Title inquire form opens.

4.Continue with the steps below.

Command Line

1.   Enter NTSAVT on the Direct command line, then press the Enter key.

2.   The NMVTIS NM04 Verify Validity of Title  inquire form opens.

3.   Continue with the steps below.

1.Enter the Vehicle's VIN or Title Number and State, then Click the Inquire Button_Inquire button. The NMVTIS NM04 Verify Validity of Title screen opens displaying the results from NMVTIS.

2.Scroll down to view the information as needed.

Click the Quick Navigation Button_QuickNavigation button on the Transaction Button bar. Then click the desired transaction to navigate to that transaction.

3.   Click the Close Button_Close button to complete the transaction.


See Also

For more information see VLIC-3.545

Topic Last Edited: 2/3/2015