The Overweight Citation Establishment transaction is used to enter the overweight citation information into the Citation Tracking system.
Before establishing the Overweight Citation, perform an Overweight Citation Inquiry by Citation Number to ensure the citation is NOT in the Citation Tracking System. If the citation in not found, go to Citation Tracking Customer Establishment to set up the customer in the Citation Tracking System. Once the customer has been established, proceed to the Overweight Citation Establishment process below.
To process an Overweight Citation Establishment
Transaction Menu
1.Click the Transaction Menu button in the Main Menu Bar. 2.Navigate to Motor Carrier>Citation>Overweight Citation Establishment(CTECIT) and click it. |
Direct Command Line
1. Enter CTECIT C=<customer number> O=<citation number> on the Direct command line, then press the Enter key. 2. The Overweight Citation Establishment transaction form opens. |
Quick Navigation
From the Overweight Citation Establishment screen
Click the Quick Navigation button on the Transaction Button bar to go to
•Citation Tracking Payment •Motor Carrier Citation Establishment •Motor Carrier Citation Inquiry |
1. The Overweight Citation Establishment inquire screen opens.
Click to view full size |
a. Enter the Citation Number from the Virginia Overweight Citation (MCS-1) form.
b. Enter the Customer Number. The customer number could be the IFTA License Number or the MC Number or US DOT Number or the Driver's License Number.
c. Click the
button to open the Overweight Citation Establishment transaction form.
2. If the customer number entered has multiple address locations, The Citation Customer Location Selection grid will open. Click the Select
button to the left of the Location to open the Overweight Citation Establishment transaction form.
Click to view full size |
To view additional information about the location in the selection list, click the
to the left of the Select
button. This will open additional information about the location.
Click to view full size |
Click the Close
button to exit the selection list.
3. Enter the required information as indicated by the
icon and any other information that may be needed.
Codes can be entered in the fields with the globe
selection function or click the globe and make a selection.
The Cited Person Information bar contains a field for Person Cited and to the right of the field is a description globe. Click this Globe to display a selection list of CTS Person Cited codes with their description.

Click the Select button to the left of the code to select that code.
 | Click to view full size |
After the selection is made, the code and description are populated in the fields.

Use the tab key to continue to the next field.
The Vehicle Information bar contains a field for Type and to the right of the field is a description globe. Click this Globe to display a selection list of CTS Vehicle Type codes with their description.

Click the Select button to the left of the code to select that code.
 | Click to view full size |
After the selection is made, the code and description are populated in the fields.
 | Click to Close |
Use the tab key to continue to the next field.
The Citation Information bar contains four fields with the description globe function which is displayed to the right of the field. Click the Globe to display a selection list of codes with their description.
 | Click to view full size |
When using the Jurisdiction Code Globe to select a jurisdiction, there are different ways to locate a jurisdiction as described below.
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•Use the Code search option by entering the jurisdiction code number or a partial code number in the Code box. Click the Search button to display a list of all jurisdiction(s) that contain those number(s). Click the Select button next to the desired jurisdiction. •Use the Name search option by entering the jurisdiction name or a part of the name in the Name box. Click the Search button to display a list of all jurisdiction(s) that contain those letter(s). Click the Select button next to the desired jurisdiction. •Use the Scroll Bar to the right of the list to scroll down and find the desired jurisdiction. Click the Select button next to the jurisdiction. Click the Clear button to clear the Code and Name search fields.
By clicking the Select button, the globe closes and the jurisdiction code and description are populated in the fields.
Use the tab key to continue to the next field.
When using the Permanent/Mobile Unit Number Globe to select a scale type, there are different ways to locate the scale type used as described below.
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•Click the Radio button of the scale type in the Type Selection box. NOTE: If neither is selected, mySelect will the search both types. •Use the Code search option by entering the scale code number or a partial code number in the Code box. Click the Search button to display a list of all scale(s) that contain those number(s). Click the Select button next to the desired scale. •If there are more scale types to display, the Scroll Bar will appear on the right side of the table. Use the Scroll Bar to scroll down and find the desired scale type. Click the Select button next to the scale type. Click the Clear button to clear the Type Selection and Code search fields.
By clicking the Select button, the globe closes and the scale code and unit/locality are populated in the fields.
Use the tab key to continue to the next field.
When using the Overweight Type Globe to select an overweight type, there are different ways to locate a type as described below.
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•Use the Code search option by entering the overweight type code letter in the Code box. Click the Search button to display that type. Click the Select button next to the type. •Use the Description search option by entering the overweight type description or a part of the description in the Description box. Click the Search button to display a list of all description(s) that contain those letter(s). Click the Select button next to the desired type. Click the Clear button to clear the Code and Description search fields.
By clicking the Select button, the globe closes and the overweight type code and description are populated in the fields.
Use the tab key to continue to the next field.
If the Officer/Agent code is entered without using the globe search and the same code is on both the State Trooper table and the Local Officer table, mySelect will display a selection window. This window will contain the trooper and officer's information so the correct selection may be made. If neither are the desired trooper or officer, "None" may be selected. Once a selection is made, the code, name and type will populate in the appropriate fields.

When using the Officer/Agent Globe to select a Law Enforcement Officer or Agent, there are different ways to locate the officer/agent to used as described below.
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•Click the Radio button of the officer/agent in the Requestor Type Selection box. NOTE: If none are selected, mySelect will the search all four types. •Use the Code search option by entering the officer/agent code number or a partial code number in the Code box. Click the Search button to display a list of all officers/agents that contain those number(s). Click the Select button next to the desired officer/agent. •If there are more officers/agents to display, the Scroll Bar will appear on the right side of the table. Use the Scroll Bar to scroll down and find the desired officer/agent. Click the Select button next to the officer/agent. Click the Clear button to clear the Requestor Type and Code search fields.
By clicking the Select button, the globe closes and the officer/agent code, name and type are populated in the fields.
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Use the tab key to continue to the next field.
The Trial Information bar contains a field for Court Jurisdiction and to the right of the field is a description globe. Click this Globe to display a selection list of Court Jurisdiction codes with their description.

When using the Court Jurisdiction Globe to select a General District Court Jurisdiction, there are different ways to locate the jurisdiction to used as described below.
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•Use the Name search option by entering the court jurisdiction name or a part of the name in the Name box. Click the Search button to display a list of all court jurisdiction(s) that contain those letter(s). Click the Select button next to the desired court jurisdiction. •Use the Code search option by entering the DMV court jurisdiction abbreviated code or a part of the DMV code in the Code box. Click the Search button to display a list of all court jurisdiction(s) that contain the DMV code(s). Click the Select button next to the desired court jurisdiction. •Use the Scroll Bar to the right of the list to scroll down and find the desired court jurisdiction. Click the Select button next to the court jurisdiction. Click the Clear button to clear the Name and Code search fields.
By clicking the Select button, the globe closes and the jurisdiction code and description are populated in the fields.
Use the tab key to continue to the next field.
4. Once all fields are entered, click the Process
button. The transaction is processed and the Transaction Details dialog appears.
5. Click the Close
button to close the Transaction Detail dialog box.
6. Click the Close
button to complete the transaction.
See also
2014 Legislation - Motor Carriers and Tax Services - HB341:Natural gas vehicles; weight limit exception, allowance for Interstate highways