mySelect supports the collection of payment for a single transaction, or multiple transactions using the Cart. See the DMV Fee Chart for fee amounts.
The Customer Cart is used to collect fees for multiple transactions per customer. This eliminates the need to manually keep track of a total for customers who have multiple transactions to process. If processing one transaction only for a customer, use of the Customer Cart is not needed.
NOTE: When payment is being made by check and the customer has 2 or more Bad Check stops, mySelect will close the payment window and display a message at the top of the transaction form.
To process payment for a single transaction
1. | Complete your transaction by clicking the Process button on its tool bar. The Transaction Details Payment dialog appears. The amount due will appear in shaded text. |

2. Enter the payment amount in the appropriate field. See the Table below.
The payment is cash ...
Enter the amount displayed in the Amount Due field into the Cash field.
The payment is by check ...
Enter the amount displayed in the Amount Due field into the Check field.
The payment is by credit card ...
Click the checkbox next to Debit/Credit.
NOTE: When payment is being made by check and the customer has 2 or more Bad Check stops, mySelect will close the payment window and display a message at the top of the transaction form.
3. Click the Process button. The payment is processed and the Transaction Details dialog appears.
4. Continue with the transaction by doing any of the following:
2. | Click the button. |
3. | Click the button to close the Receipt Details dialog. |
If you would like to review the fee breakdown, do the following:
2. | When done reviewing, click the button to close the Fee Breakdown dialog. |
If you need to correct the payment amount, do the following:
2. | Enter the appropriate information. |
3. | Click the button. The Correct Payment Processed message appears. |
To process payment for multiple transactions
1. | Complete your transaction by clicking the Process button on its tool bar. The Transaction Details dialog appears. The amount due will appear in shaded text. |

2. To add this transaction to the cart and continue to the next one, click the Add to Cart button. mySelect will add the transaction to the cart and display the following message.

Best Practice: When processing multiple transactions for a customer, DO NOT communicate the total displayed in the Customer Cart until you have processed the cart. During processing, if there are any vehicle requirements such as emissions or financial responsibility, the fee may change.
3. | Click the OK button to continue. |
4. | Continue to process the additional transactions, adding them to the Customer Cart at the end. Once all transactions have been added to the Customer Cart from the main menu bar, click the Cart button. The Customer Cart appears. |
If any transactions need to be removed from the Customer Cart, click the Remove button next to the transaction.
5. | Enter the payment received and payment method (cash, check, or charge). |
NOTE: When payment is being made by check and the customer has 2 or more Bad Check stops, mySelect will display an error message box indicating no personal checks.
7. | In the Print Receipts section, click next to Yes or No, depending on whether you want to print receipts. |
8. | Click the Process Cart Transactions button. The system updates the display as each transaction is processed. |
9. | When done, click the Close button. |
10. | From the Customer Cart, click the Close button. |