Release 9.6 (03/20/2014)

Release 9.6 includes the following changes:

Issue Log


Related Help ...


Handicap Parking Permit Mail Date

The Handicap Parking Permit Inquiry form will now display the date the vendor mailed the permit.

Handicap Inquiry


ORDERS and Compliance Update

Change the wording on the Habitual Offender Intervention to Intervention Interview on ORDERS and Compliance Update screens.



Order Inquiry

Transaction has been modified to handle duplicate customer numbers.



Operations Manual

Has been added to Policies & Procedures in Online Help

Policies & Procedures


Late Fee Exception Authorization

When renewing a vehicle registration that is past due and a no late fee code is entered, depending on your security role, a new pop up window for fee exception authorization has been added and must authorized by management to continue.  

Renewal Registration


Removal of Title Cover Sheets Print

Title cover sheet print function has been remove for the following title transactions TTLMV1, TTLMV2, TTLMV3 and TTLMOW.



Adding vehicle Notes to NRAP records for the Savage work center

Corrections have been made to allow adding notes to NRAP records.



Overload Permit Change

Corrections made to display the Select message box with required keys.



Overload Permit Change

Transaction has been modified to handle duplicate customer numbers.



Change Address labels for License Agents

Correction made to the address labels in the Change Address Confirmation window.



Fleet Renewal for EZ Fleet Users

Corrections made to the Fleet Renewal process to eliminate the user from having to try to renew multiple times.



Vehicle Liens Inquiry

Transaction has been modified to handle duplicate customer numbers.



Administrative Per Se Event Inquiry

Transaction has been modified to handle duplicate customer numbers.



VDH Authorization Window

Corrections made to all Authorization Windows to include validation against security for VDH  transactions, reprints, voids, etc.





Topic Last Edited: 3/19/2014