Restrictions for non-DUI and Fines & Costs - Delete

The Restrictions for non-DUI/Fine & Cost - Delete is used to delete the restrictions granted by the court to the non-DUI (consecutive) orders and/or for non-payment of fines and cost orders.


To Delete restrictions from non-DUI consecutive orders or Fine and Cost orders            

If not already at the Customer Console for this customer, go to the Console and Open the Customer Console using the customer's number or name.

From the Console Go To ....

Steps to Follow .....

Alerts Grid

     No alerts for this transaction.

Quick Navigation

     Not available for this transaction.

Transaction Menu

1.Click the Transaction Menu button in the Main Menu Bar.

2.Navigate to Customer Transactions>Compliance, Orders and Events>Restrictions For Non-DUI/Fines and Costs - Delete(APCCRD).

3.Click the Restrictions For Non-DUI/Fines and Costs - Delete, the transaction form opens.

4.Select the FINES & COST (CTR) or UNAUTHORIZED DRIVING(R94) and then click the Inquire Button_Inquire button.

5.Continue with the options below.

Command Line

1.Enter APCCRD on the Direct command line, then press the Enter key. The Restrictions Delete For Non-DUI/Fines and Costs Inquire form appears.

2.Select either FINES & COST (CTR) or UNAUTHORIZED DRIVING(R94) and then click the Inquire Button_Inquire button.

3.Continue with the options below.


Toggle_Expanded        Deleting Authorization from Fines & Costs Orders

1.Select the FINES & COST (CTR) on the Restrictions Change for Non-DUI/Fines and Costs Inquire screen, then click the Inquire Button_Inquire button.


Click to view full size
Click to view full size


2.The Restrictions Selection for Non-DUI/Fines and Costs opens displaying a list of the courts with the non-payment of court fines & cost orders. The Authorization column identifies which courts have authorized restrictions and which ones are still needed.

3.Click the Select Button_Select button to the left of the court jurisdiction to open the conviction information. The Authorization must be ON FILE in order to delete it.

ico_note If there are more than 12 courts listed, the More Data Available Button_MoreDataAvailable  button will be active. Continue to click this button until it becomes inactive to view all courts with outstanding non-payment of court fines & cost.


Click to view full size
Click to view full size


4. To delete the authorization information (Restriction Codes, Time Period and Authorization Date), first Click the Process Button_Process button. Then click the Button_OKbutton on the CONFIRM DELETION message box to delete the authorization. Click Cancel to back out of the deletion.


Click to view full size
Click to view full size


5. The Transaction Details dialog appears with the Processed message indicating the Authorization has been deleted.

6.  Click the Close Button_Close button to complete the transaction for this conviction.

7.  Follow the above steps (1-5) for each authorization to be deleted.


Toggle_Expanded        Deleting Authorization from Non-DUI Orders

1.  Select the UNAUTHORIZED DRIVING(R94) on the Restrictions Change for Non-DUI/Fines and Costs Inquire screen, then click the Inquire Button_Inquirebutton.


Click to view full size
Click to view full size


2.  The Restrictions Selection for Non-DUI/Fines and Costs opens displaying a list of the courts with the non-DUI orders. The Authorization column identifies which courts have authorized restrictions and which ones are still needed.

Click the Select Button_Select button to the left of the court jurisdiction to open the conviction information. The Authorization must be ON FILE in order to delete it.

ico_note If there are more than 12 courts listed, the More Data Available Button_MoreDataAvailable  button will be active. Continue to click this button until it becomes inactive to view all courts with outstanding non-payment of court fines & cost.


Click to view full size
Click to view full size


3.  To delete the authorization information (Restriction Codes and Authorization Date), first Click the Process Button_Process button. Then click the Button_OKbutton on the CONFIRM DELETION message box to delete the authorization. Click Cancel to back out of the deletion.


Click to view full size
Click to view full size


4. The Transaction Details dialog appears with the Processed message indicating the Authorization has been deleted.

5.  Click the Close Button_Close button to complete the transaction for this conviction.

6.  Follow the above steps (1-5) for each authorization to be deleted.


Topic Last Edited: 2/15/2017