Authorization for Restricted Driver's License

Customers with court suspensions for non-DUI consecutive order(s) and/or non-payment of court fine & cost order(s) are eligible to petition each court for restrictions. If authorized, each court jurisdiction must issue a DC-274 (for the outstanding Non-DUI consecutive orders) and/or a DC-271 (for the outstanding Non-Payment of Court Fine & Cost orders) listing all convictions in their jurisdiction.  


ico_note Amending - Is used when a court order has been granted that changes the restriction codes or the time period. A new DC-271 or DC-274 is required with a new Authorization Date. The amendments are made in the Change process.

ico_note Change - Is used when correcting keying mistakes. Changes can be made to any of the fields for either non-DUI consecutive order(s) and/or non-payment of court fine & cost order(s). Make changes in the Change process.

ico_note Extension - Is used to extend the restriction period of a non-payment of court fine & cost order. A new DC-271 is required with a new Authorization Date. Extension are made in the Add process to the Authorization Date only.


Toggle_ExpandedHelpful Information about the Non-Payment of Fines and Costs Orders

Authorization to grant restrictions from each court in the form of a DC-271 for the outstanding non-payment of court fine & cost order(s). Restrictions may be added to the court fine & cost order(s) prior to paying any fee(s) owed.

After the restrictions have been added, the Compliance Summary will display the name of the court, the restriction codes and the restriction time period for each court that granted restrictions for the non-payment of court fine & cost orders.

After the customer has received the restricted license and the court fines and costs are not paid in full to the court(s) by the end of the restricted period, the fines and cost order(s) will go back to an effective status causing the driver's license to become suspended again. However, the customer may petition the court(s) and have the restriction(s) period extended. Extending the restriction period, is performed in the Restrictions Add for Non-DUI/Fines and Costs process by keying in the new authorization date. If amending or changing the restriction codes and/or restriction period, use the Restriction Change for Non-DUI/Fines and Costs.


ico_note Do Not amend or change the restriction codes when extending the restriction on the Add transaction. They MUST be processed separately. Add the extension (Authorization Date) first in the Add process. Then change the restriction codes and/or restriction period in the Change process.


If the customer has multiple Non-Payment of Fines and Cost order(s) only the common restrictions among these orders will be granted. If there are no common restrictions, the restriction codes are added to the fine & cost order(s). The order will remain in Effect along with the stop and the Driver Status will not show any of the fine and cost restriction codes.

Add DI order restrictions after restrictions have been added to the fine and cost orders AND the non-DUI orders. The DI restrictions are added through the compliance process.

When a customer pays the reinstatement fee and the multiple order fee(s), then decides they want their money back, uncomply the fine and cost order(s) using Compliance Correction (COMCOR), the order status will display as Effective(EFF). When the customer comes back and pays the reinstatement fee and the multiple order fee(s) again, the order status will still display as Effective(EFF). To correct the order status (from Effective to Restored), go into the Restrictions For Non-DUI/Fines and Costs - Change click the Yes radio button on the Document Types Amended field, then click Process. This will change the fine and cost order status to Restored(RES).


Toggle_ExpandedHelpful Information about the Non-DUI Consecutive Orders

Authorization to grant restrictions from each court in the form of a DC-274 for the outstanding Unauthorized Driving - non-DUI order(s).

All fees and outstanding requirements must be complied before restrictions can be added to the customer's non-DUI consecutive order(s). The customer must be at least enrolled in VASAP, Intervention Interview must be completed, ignition interlock must be installed, Child Support agreement date may be blank provided restrictions are granted with a DC-282, DI Clinics must be completed, any outstanding revocation time must be up, etc.

Add restrictions to mandatory orders through the compliance update process after all fees are paid. Add DI order restrictions after restrictions have been added to the fine and cost orders AND the non-DUI consecutive orders. The DI restrictions are added through the compliance process.

Indefinite orders (excluding the fine and cost orders) must be in a satisfied (SAT) or in a restored (RES) status before restrictions can be added.

Before the non-DUI consecutive orders are eligible for restrictions, the suspension/revocation time MUST have past by the amount of time the court has issued, which is calculated from the conviction date. For example, if the conviction date is March 1st and the suspension/revocation time is 60 days, the restriction(s) can not be added until after May 1st.

The non-DUI consecutive order(s) are eligible for restriction(s) once the suspension begin and end dates are populated and end in the future.

If the customer has been granted restrictions for both order types, the non-DUI order(s) AND non-payment of Fine & Cost order(s), restrictions MUST be added to the Fine & Cost order(s) before the non-DUI consecutive order(s).

After the restrictions have been added, the Compliance Summary will display the name of the court, the restriction code(s) and the restriction time period for each court that granted restriction(s) to the Non-DUI consecutive order(s).

If the customer has multiple Unauthorized Driving - non-DUI order(s) only the common restrictions among these orders will be granted. If there are no common restrictions, the restriction codes are added to the non-DUI consecutive order(s) and the restriction requirement line will not populate. The order will remain in Effect along with the stop and the Driver Status will not show any of the non-DUI restriction codes.



 See Also

For more information on non-DUI consecutive order(s), see DLG-1807

For more information on court fines & cost order(s), see DLG-1805

Topic Last Edited: 1/27/2016