Void a VDH Transaction

Due to the financial commitment on behalf of DMV, voiding a VDH transaction should only occur in exceptional circumstances and requires a manager's approval.


Transactions with results returned from VDH with the status of NOPRINT, NOMATCH, Possible Match may NOT be voided. mySelect will return a message indicating this transaction may not be voided.  An incomplete or Match status may be voided with a manager's authorization. If a CSR voids DVRRBC (step 2), they will also need to void the corresponding DVRINI (step1). However if a CSR has keyed a DVRADL (step 3 for additional copies) they will not be able to void any of the VDH transactions.

Step 1: Recall DVRRBC

1.Click the Transactions button.

Button_RequiredField If you are not the person who initially keyed the transaction you must delete the value in the Teller ID field, then click the Inquire button.

2.Click the Select Button_Select button next to the DVRRBC transaction for the Requester.  The Transaction is recalled.  The Void button is also displayed.

Step 2: Void DVRRBC

3.Click the Void button.  The Manager Verification for VDH dialog appears.

4.Call your manager and review the reason for the void.

5.Have the manager enter their login credentials, then click the OK button.  The Void Processing dialog appears.

6.Enter the void explanation.

7.Click the Process button.  The DVRRBC transaction is voided and the Transaction Details dialog appears. Click the Close Button_Close button to continue.  A message box is then displayed advising you of the other half of the transaction, click the OK Button_OKbutton. The DVRINI, will be opened next for voiding.

Button_RequiredField  You must continue to void the DVRINI as well, in order to reverse the financial transaction so your cash drawer balances.

Step 3: Void DVRINI

8.Click the Void button.  The Manager Verification for VDH dialog appears.

9.Have the manager enter their login credentials, then click the OK button.  The Void Processing dialog appears.

10.Enter the void explanation.

11.Click the Process button.  The DVRINI transaction is now voided as well.  The void is complete.

12. Click the Close Button_Close button.


Topic Last Edited: 7/14/2015