Vital Record Transactions

Starting March 1, 2014, DMV will issue certified copies of Virginia birth certificates and veteran benefits certificates to customers presenting all required documentation and payment. In September 2015 DMV will begin issuing marriage, death, and divorce certificates.

Birth Certificate

Death Certificate

Marriage Certificate

Divorce Certificate


Registrant - the individual named in the request for the vital record

Requestor - the individual requesting the vital record

Decedent - the person who died

Match - all data entered matches VDH

Possible Match - one of the data elements entered is incorrect per VDH

No Match - two or more data elements entered are incorrect per VDH

Virginia Event - the vital record event must have occurred in Virginia

Non-Virginia Event - the vital record event occurred outside of Virginia

Maternal Grandparents - parents of the mother

Paternal Grandparents - parents of the father

Legal Guardian - a person who has the legal authority to care for the person and property interests of another person.

Legal Representative - a person who is given the authority to act on behalf of someone else

Maiden Name - the surname that a married woman used from birth, prior to it being legally changed at marriage

Requester Relationships

25 years after date of event - Only eligible to obtain a marriage, death or divorce certificate 25 years after the date of the event.

Maternal Grandparents - The mother must be listed on the birth certificate

Paternal Grandparents - The father must be listed on the birth certificate

Funeral Service Licensee/Director

Must indicate Funeral Service license number on application

Only Funeral Service licensee or director that handled the final disposition are eligible to request death certificates

A runner may pick up the death certificate

Grandchildren - Death certificates only

Great Grandchildren - Death certificates only

Executor/Administrator - Copy of court issued documents OR copy of the will appointing executor or administrator

Current Spouse - Requester's in a same-sex marriage (performed prior to 10/06/2014) must provide a copy of the marriage license (civil union documents are not acceptable) if they are not listed on the death certificate.

Attorney or their agent

Must indicate their bar card on the application

Virginia or Out-of-State bar card is required

Genealogy Research - Requestor's should contact VDH/DVR directly to have their vital record certificate(s) processed.

Step Parent - Must be the legal guardian and have required court approval (signed) custody order.

Who's Eligible for a Virginia Vital Record Certificate

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VDH Operations Manual Phase 2

VDH Phase 2 - Frequently Asked Questions

1.When will DMV begin issuing marriage, death and divorce certificates?

September 21, 2015


2.Will the person requesting the vital record certificate (requester) be required to complete a form?

Yes, the DL-82 will need to be completed by the requester to obtain a death, marriage or divorce certificate.


3.Where can a CSC or requester obtain the DL-82?

The DMV DL-82 will be able to be downloaded from the DMV Internet or Intranet under customer forms.


4.Are there any changes in the eligibility requirements for who is eligible to request a Virginia marriage, death or divorce certificate?

Yes, unlike with birth certificates, a grandchild/great grandchild and a funeral director (providing their license number) can request a death certificate only. Also, grandparents are not eligible to request a death, marriage or divorce certificate.


5.Will the Q-Flow ticket type be the same for the new certificate types (marriage, death and divorce certificates)?

Yes, a "V" ticket will be issued to the customer when requesting marriage, death and/or divorce certificates.


6.Who is the registrant when requesting a marriage, death or divorce certificate?

The registrant is the person who is deceased or the individuals who are married or divorced.


7.Will the requester have to show identification documents like a birth certificate request?

Yes, the requester will continue to have to show identification documents. One primary or two secondary identification documents are required. The transaction cannot be performed without witnessing and recording these documents on the application and in mySelect. The acceptable documents list is on the back of the DL-82 application. All secondary documents must be photocopied and attached to the application.


8.Is the identification document list the same as the list to obtain a Virginia birth certificate as shown on the DL-81 (birth certificate vital record application)?

Yes, the list is the same.


9.What additional documents may be required for a death, marriage or divorce transaction to be conducted? (legal custody papers, bar card, funeral director license number)

Legal Guardian, the requester must show court approved signed custody papers.

Legal Representative, the requester must provide copy of the Bar Card or Power of Attorney.

Emancipated Minor, a copy of the court order for emancipating the minor.

Funeral Director, the funeral license number must be provided.

Same sex spouse for obtaining a death certificate and not listed as spouse on the death certificate, must provide marriage license to prove marriage at time of death.

Executor, must provide Letter of Qualification or other court issued appointment document.


10.Will the transaction in mySelect be accessed differently than the birth certificate transaction?

No, the transaction will continue to access the vital record transactions from the mySelect customer console, by opening the Quick Navigation tab and selecting the vital record transaction.


11.Does the requester have to live in Virginia to obtain a Virginia marriage, divorce, death record?

The requester does not have to live in Virginia, but the vital event must have occurred in Virginia. If the event did not occur in Virginia, it cannot be accessed or queried in the system.


12.Will the fee remain the same for the marriage, death and divorce certificates?

The fee will remain at $14.00, which includes an administrative fee of $2.00. The fees must be collected from the requester whether a certificate is provided or no record found. The requester is not guaranteed a copy of the certificate. The fees are non-refundable.


13.Can an individual request more than one certificate? What is the cost per certificate?

An individual may request more than one copy of a certificate. The cost for each certificate is $14.00


14.What forms of payment will DMV accept for vital record transactions?

DMV will accept the following payment types: cash, debit/credit/gift card(s), check or money order. This is the same as all other DMV transactions.


15.Will new secure inventory paper be used?

Yes, new secure inventory paper will be used. The new paper inventory will ONLY be used for deaths that occurred November 1, 2014 to present.

Birth, marriage and divorced certificates will print on the secure inventory paper that is used for birth certificates currently. Deaths that occurred prior to November 1, 2014, will also use the secure inventory paper used for birth certificates.


16.What is the process for receiving new secure paper inventory?

The process for receiving the new secure paper inventory will be the same as the current process for receiving the secure paper today. The ASA-50 (Blank Document Consignment Report) has been modified to indicate the secure paper tray for death.


17.Where will the inventory be secured in the CSC?

The new inventory will be secured in the security closet. The secure paper will need to be clearly labeled to ensure it is not confused with the inventory used for birth, marriage, divorced and deaths (that occurred prior to November 1, 2014).


18.How will we account for the paper?

The paper will be entered into mySelect when it is received. There will be a new inventory type in mySelect identified as EXT-VDH-DC. See Vital Record Paper Inventory for more information.


19.Will there be a veteran's certificate for each certificate type?

A veteran's certificate will be available for each certificate type. The birth, marriage, divorced will print on 8 1/2 x 11 plain white paper. The death certificates with the death occurring prior to November 1, 2014, will also print on 8 1/2 x 11 plain white paper.

Deaths that occurred November 1, 2014 and after will print on 8 1/2 x 14 plain white paper that will be fed into the printer using the printer feeder tray.

The initial Veterans copy for death, marriage and divorced will be printed on the plain paper and will be printed at no cost. If additional copies are requested, a new transaction will need to be processed and will be printed on secure vital paper.


20.Will there be a designed VDH printer in each office?

Yes, there will be a designated VDH printer in each office. There are four paper trays needed to print the new certificates. The four paper types are as follows:

8 1/2 x 11 plain white paper

receipts, barcode cover sheets and veteran certificates for birth, marriage, divorce and death certificates (deaths occurring prior to November 1, 2014).


8 1/2 x 14 plain white paper

veteran certificates for deaths occurring November 1, 2014 and after.  Paper will be fed into the printer using the feeder tray.


Birth, Marriage, Divorce and Death certificate paper

currently used for birth certificates


Death certificate paper for deaths occurring after November 1, 2014

new inventory paper


21.Can the VDH printer be used for DMV transactions?

Yes, the VDH printer will need to be configured to allow for printing of DMV transactions. A printer configuration user guide will be provide and should assist with the printer setup.


22.Will I receive the same search results when conducting a transaction for marriage, death and divorce certificate?

Yes, the search results will be the same.  The system will return responses of Match, No Match, Possible Match, and No Print.  There will be the option to not print the document.  This is similar to the process for birth certificates today.


23.Under what circumstances would the “not printed” option be used?

If the image returned from VDH is not readable, if it is not the actual certificate or if the incorrect registrant appears on the image, identify the image as “not printed” and select one of the reasons in the dropdown menu.


24.What is returned from VDH when conducting a search?

An image of the certificate will be returned for you to review rather than populating data fields.  This is when a review of the certificate fields is necessary to compare information on the certificate to the application.  Manager review and approval is also needed to proceed.


25.What happens when the system cannot find a match for the registrant or is not entitled to obtain the certificate which results in the certificate not being issued?

The CSR will scan the application, barcode cover sheet and supporting documents into the OnBase front counter scanner entering all key words into the system.  VDH will handle the incomplete transaction and mail the customer their certificate.


26.What if the customer asks for a raised seal on the different certificate types?

Similar to the birth certificate process, if a customer asks for a raised seal, the raised seal letter available through publications (DMV 271) will need to be provided to the customer.  Raised seals are not applied to the certificate paper any longer.  This letter provides an explanation to the customer.


27.What if a certificate is printed on the incorrect secure paper?

If the certificate is printed on the incorrect security paper, you will have to ensure that the paper is located in the correct tray and reprint the document.  The certificate that was printed on the incorrect security paper will need to be voided, scanned into the OnBase front counter scanner in the Void bucket entering the appropriate key words and accounted for in the daily audit.


28.What report will be used to conduct the audit on additional certificate types?

Each new certificate type (death, divorce, marriage) will have its own report. These reports will contain the same information currently found in the birth certificate report.


29.Will the same audit procedures apply to death, marriage and divorce certificates?

Yes, the procedures used to audit birth certificates will remain the same for all certificate types.


30.Will DMV continue to mail in DL-82s?

No. With the addition of death, marriage and divorce transactions to the vital records available at DMV, we will no longer mail any vital record applications.


31.Will the front counter scanning be used for voids and incomplete applications (no match, possible match, no print, not printed) for the new certificate types?

Yes, those transactions will be scanned for death, marriage and divorce certificates as they are for birth certificates.

Topic Last Edited: 9/1/2015