The Collect CSS Revenue transaction allows for the processing of revenue for miscellaneous type transactions that do not automatically generate a Transaction Details Payment dialog.
To process a Collect CSS Revenue transaction
1.From the main menu bar, select Tools > Revenue > Collect CSS Revenue. The Collect CSS Revenue screen displays.
2.Enter the applicable information.
For CSC's and HQ Motor Carrier Work Center ONLY:
When entering an amount in the Miscellaneous Collections Amount/Type field, you must also select a reason from the drop down.
Selecting certain reason codes in the Miscellaneous Collections Amount/Type field will trigger the Miscellaneous Collection Amount Authorization window to pop up. Your manager or designee will review the entry to verify what is being entered.
If selecting the INVOICE NOT POSTED (ZD) reason code from the drop down in the Miscellaneous Collections Amount/Type field and no Miscellaneous Invoice Number has been entered, a message will display to enter the Miscellaneous Invoice Number before the transaction can continue.
If IRP monies are being entered, the Authorization should not be entered and the CSSREV should be voided. IRP monies should only be entered via MCSREV.
After your manager or designee has reviewed the entry, they will complete the authorization by entering their (COV) User Name and Password to continue the transaction. Self authorization will not be allowed. Once entered, click OK to continue or Cancel to exit the authorization.
3.Click the Process button. The Transaction Details Payment dialog opens.
4.Enter the payment and click the Process button. See Processing_Payment for more information.
5.The Receipt Details dialog opens. To enter the Receipt Details, click the Manually Edit Name/Address box to open the name and address fields. Enter the Paid by information.
6.Click the button to print the payment receipt if requested. Otherwise, Click the Close
button to close the Receipt Details dialog.
7.The Transaction Details dialog appears showing the TRANSACTION PROCESSED message.
8.Click the Close button to close the Transaction Details dialog.
9.Click the Close button to complete the transaction.
See Also
CSCOM-115.2 - Collect Miscellaneous Revenues (CSSREV)