Finish Inventory

ico_note This function is reserved for Lead Tellers and Managers roles.

Finishing Inventory involves closing inventory packs or boxes when all inventory items in them have been used.

To Finish an Inventory pack or box

1. If the Inventory Management Console is not already open, from the main button bar, click the Inventory button. The Inventory Management Console appears.

2.Click the ico_plus next to the inventory type to finish.  This expands the item list.  

3.Continue to expand the list until you get to the specific inventory item to finish.

tip20pxThe empty packs will appear in red with the word Empty to the right.

Click image to zoom to full size
Click image to zoom to full size

4.Select the inventory item.

5.Right-click to display the pop-up.

6.Click Finish Pack.  The Confirm Pack is Finished dialog appears.

7.Confirm all items have been issued, then click the Yes button.  The range of inventory items is removed from the list.

See also

Finish Empty Packs from Open/Close Console

Topic Last Edited: 1/18/2019