Release 11.1.16 (04/20/2017)

Release 11.1.16 includes the following changes for the Customer Service Centers, DMV Connect and Weigh Stations:


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A new message has been added to the bottom of the CDL TDP notifying the customer that they may get their TWIC at DMV. The new message will print on CDL originals, reissues, renewals and duplicates.



Electronic Eligibility Inquire

A fix has been made to correctly display the alert when the customer is eligible for alternate services for driver license or ID card renewals.


Statutory Fee Payment Alert

Verbiage has been changed to display as "Monthly Statutory Payment Due" when a payment is due before the contract defaults.


Surrender Registration and Maintain Registration

New edit messages have been added to these processes for the following.

1.When trying to surrender temporary plates and using the surrender reason of "RE" (Relinquish Reserve).

2.When maintaining a temporary plate and trying to change the registration status.


PIN Maintenance and Customer Notification

Two new fields have been added to the PIN Maintenance screen. The Opt In Date and Opt In Location will now display in the Customer Notification section

PIN Maintenance and Customer Notification

Elavon Credit Card Terminal

Updates to the Elavon Credit Card terminal will now be automated to be received when signing onto mySelect. An initializing message will display and will take 2 to 3 minutes to load the updates.


ORDERS Inquiry

When the Orders Selection grid opens, the additional information will be closed on the orders listed.  

Order Inquiry

Customer Return Form - List Form option

New to mySelect is the List Forms option under Customer Return Forms. This option will allow you to view and print a Customer Return Form that was issued by another work location and what the form contained.

Customer Return Form - Find Form

KIES Reports - Management Function ONLY

New to mySelect are the KIES Reports. These can found in Reports tab key on the Main Button Bar.


Reports > Exception Reports >

Monthly CSC Exceptions - Summary Only

Monthly CSC Exceptions - Sales Tax Only

Monthly CSC Exceptions - All




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Topic Last Edited: 4/24/2017