Release 11.1.17 (07/01/2017)

2017 Legislation Related Changes to mySelect

If you would like to see a COMPLETE list of the Bills and descriptions, see the 2017 Legislative Bulletin.



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HB1687 SB950

Non-repairable and rebuilt vehicles


The edits for Actual Cash Value, Estimated Cost to Repair and Damage Percentage in the Original Title and Maintain Vehicle (Page 3) processes have been removed and are optional fields now.



Transportation Network Company (TNC) Employment driving transcripts


TNC Companies have two fee options for requesting Employment driving records.

When requesting a TNC Employment driving transcript, the customer MUST provide the TNC CERTIFICATE NUMBER (CLP#) on the CRD-93 form in order to process the correct transcript type.


The Motor Carrier CLP Inquiry screen will show the TNC Fee Option.


Table 2678 - MC INTRASTATE TNC CARRIERS has been added in the Tools>Search CSS Tables look up.


Waive Ignition Interlock when ONLY driving an Employer's vehicle


If the customer brings in a court order for restrictions C or C and F along with a DC-266 court order to waive ignition interlock for the employers vehicle the Driver License Compliance (DLC) work center will update the customer's conviction showing the ignition interlock requirement has been waived for the employer's vehicle ONLY.

Below is how the waived ignition interlock requirement will display on the conviction inquiry screen.



Please refer to HB2231 for more information.



New driving restriction code - "N" - To/From Job Interview




Salvage vehicles, out-of-state; titling vehicles


A new Special Condition of NOT FOR RESALE (JKNNG) has been added in Original Title process which will print JUNK NONNEGOTIABLE - NOT FOR RESALE on the title and registration card if selected.

A new pop-up will display the message C0026 USER NOT AUTHORIZED TO PROCESS SPECIAL CONDITION CODE OF 'JKNNG' when processing this type of condition in the CSC.


Motor vehicle sales and use tax; refund to purchaser


A new title exemption code (NON WARRANTY (NW)) has been added to the Title Tax Exempt drop down on the Title Issue screen and the Title Tax screen.

The new code is also available as a refund reason in Miscellaneous Refund Add process.





Release 11.1.17 includes the following changes for the Customer Service Centers, DMV Connect and Weigh Stations:


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Table 1220-VT-Plate Series

This table has been changed to display all of the fields.

Once the table is open, enter the information from columns 2, 3 and 4 in the Code search box OR enter the information in column 5 in the Description search box.


Tools>Search CSS Tables

New in mySelect and Online Help

Dealer Inquiries>Dealer Location Inquiry (DELOCI)

Provides information on a Dealers location.



Dealer Location Inquiry

Dealer Owner Inquiry (DEOWNI)

The Owner's Social Security Number has been moved from the Customer Information section to under the name field at the top of the screen.


Owner Inquiry

KIES - Exception Reports

Monthly CSC Exceptions - All

Modifications have been made to this report to show a Summary total for each over/short type and for each teller and a total for the CSC.

Click to view full size
Click to view full size

Original Registration, Reissue Registration and Transfer and Exchange Plates

Under the Registration Information section

The plate Out-of-Stock field has been changed to be more helpful.






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Topic Last Edited: 6/23/2017