2018 Legislation Related Changes to mySelect
For a COMPLETE list of the Bills and descriptions, see the 2018 Legislative Bulletin.
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Driver License, Permits and ID Cards This bill authorizes the Department of Motor Vehicles to issue driver's licenses, permits, and identification cards displaying an indicator to reflect that the holder is a veteran.
The bill also repeals the authority of the Department to issue veterans identification cards. |
Vehicle Registration for Military surplus motor vehicles This bill authorizes DMV to create license plates and collect a one-time $100 fee for issuance of the license plates and registration. DMV has created a new form VSA 10M - “Military Surplus License Plate Applicant Certification” for completion to apply for military surplus license plates/registration.
Applications for titling and registration of military surplus vehicles will be processed at DMV Headquarters (Titling Work Center) until December 31, 2018.
Beginning January 1, 2019, customer service centers will process applications for titling and registering these vehicles. |
Included in the budget bill, a $5.00 increase for Original Titles, Replacement Titles, Substitute Titles and Supplemental Liens Titles |
Release 11.1.22 includes the following changes for the Customer Service Centers, DMV Connect and Weigh Stations:
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Statutory Fee Payment Plan Contract Two copies of the contract will print and will include a new signature block with T.M. Blaine name and the commissioner’s signature. Please be sure the customer signs both copies and keeps one of them. |
Motor Carrier The MC number field used for Alternate Customer number has been changed on the following screens from 6 digits to 10 digits. Implementation scheduled for July 10, 2018 Citation Tracking Customer Establishment(CTECUS)(Weigh Stations only) Citation Tracking Customer Inquiry(CTICUS)
Implemented on June 18, 2018 Motor Carrier Customer Inquiry(ISICUS)
New in Online Help Customer Transactions>License/ID>Veterans ID Card Release(VIDREL) Customer Transactions>License/ID>Veterans Maintenance(VIDMNT) |
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