Setting up the Vital Records Paper Tray

This is a step by step guide on setting up the printer tray in order to print the Vital Records paper documents.


Printer Tray Set-up

1.        Determine which Work Area will be used for the Vital Records Transactions and which printer is assigned to        that Work Area.
2.        From a Front Counter workstation assigned to that Work Area, log in as a Manager.
3.        From the Main Menu Bar, Click Tools>Settings>Manage Printers.
4.        After the Settings window opens, find the printer you want to configure for the Vital Records Paper. Click        to highlight this printer. Note: It will be named XXX-Printer-Y where "XXX" is your location code and "Y"        is the number of the printer identified in step 1.
Click to view full size
Click to view full size
5.        Once the printer has been selected, click the Edit Printer Button_Edit_Printer button. The bottom section will                become active.
6.        Click the drop down for the VITAL EVENT Paper Source and select Tray 4. Then click the Save Changes                button_Save_Changes button on the tool bar.
Click to close
Click to close
7.        Click the Close Button_Close button to close the Settings window.
8.        Ensure the Vital Records paper is loaded in Tray 4 Face Down Feet First just like titles.

Topic Last Edited: 3/5/2014