Open Customer Console

The Customer Console should be used as your launching point for all customer transactions.

To open the Customer Console

From the opening screen Go To .....

Steps to Follow .....

Transaction Menu

1.Click the Transaction Menu button in the Main Menu Bar.

2.Navigate to Customer Inquiries>Customer>Customer Console(CUSDBD) and click it.

3.Key the Customer Number or Customer Name and Name Type then click the Inquire Button_Inquire button or the Enter key.  

4.The Customer Console opens displaying the customer's information retrieved from mainframe system.

5.Continue with the steps below.

Command Line

1.Enter CUSDBD C=<Customer Number> or N=<Customer Name> OR I CON C=<Customer Number> or N=<Customer Name> (Customer Name format is Last,First,Middle) on the Direct command line, then press the Enter key.

2.The Customer Console opens displaying the customer's information retrieved from mainframe system.

tip20px Because you included a Key with the Direct command, the previous customer's information has been cleared from the Keys tab and replaced with the new customer's information!

3.Continue with the steps below.

1. Once the Customer Console is open, use the

Alerts grid to inform the customer of information related to their record. If there is a screen name in the Direct column, click the green arrow Button_GreenRightArrow next to the screen name to launch the transaction.

Credentials information bar to view the customer's credentials and navigate to a selected process under the Direct column. Click anywhere in the green information bar to open the grid. Click the Button_PlusSign next to the credential to view more information about that credential. In the Direct column, click the drop down box Button_Dropdown and select the desired screen (This is known as a Quick Link). Then click the green arrow Button_GreenRightArrow next to the screen name to launch the transaction.

Vehicles information bar to view the customer's vehicles. Click anywhere in the green information bar to open the grid. Click the Button_PlusSign next to the vehicle to view more information. In the Direct column, click the drop down box Button_Dropdown and select the desired screen (This is known as a Quick Link). Then click the green arrow Button_GreenRightArrow next to the screen name to launch the transaction.

  The other Information Bars display additional information about the customer.

2. Click on the Quick Navigation Button_QuickNavigation button or the Additional Choices Button_AdditionalChoices button on the Customer Console Tool Bar to navigate to the most frequency used screens.


See Also

What is the Customer Console?


Quick Links

Quick Navigation

Topic Last Edited: 4/15/2015