Reissue Registration

The Reissue Registration transaction is used to replace plates or decals that have already been issued to a title record.

To process a Reissue Registration

1.If not already open, Open the Customer Console using the customer's number or name.

From the Console Go To .....

Path to Follow .....

Alerts Grid

There are no alerts for this transaction.

Vehicle Grid

1.Expand the Vehicles section by clicking somewhere in the green bar.

2.Click the Button_DownArrow in the Direct field next to the desired vehicle.

3.Select Reissue Registration. REGREI appears in the Direct field.

4.Click the Button_QuickLink button.  The Reissue Registration transaction form opens with the customer, vehicle and registration information populated.

5.Continue with the steps below.

Transaction Menu

1.Click the Transaction Menu button in the Main Menu Bar.

2.Navigate to Registration Transactions>Customer Registration>Reissue Registration(REGREI) and click it.

3.The Reissue Registration inquire form opens. Enter the required key combinations.

4.Click the Inquire Button_Inquire button. The Reissue Registration transaction form opens with the customer, vehicle and registration information populated.

5.Continue with the steps below.

Command Line

1.Enter REGREI on the Direct command line, then press the Enter key.

2.The Reissue Registration inquire form opens. Enter the required key combinations.

3.Click the Inquire Button_Inquire button. The Reissue Registration transaction form opens with the customer, vehicle and registration information populated.

4.Continue with the steps below.

Quick Navigation

From the Reissue Registration screen

Click the Quick Navigation Button_QuickNavigation button on the Transaction Button bar to go to

Change All Addresses

Maintain Registration

Maintain Vehicle (Page 1)

Maintain Vehicle (Page 2)

Maintain Vehicle (Page 3)

Vehicle Information

2.Enter the required information as indicated by the Button_RequiredField icon and any other information needed. Then click the Process Button_Process button.


LightBulbFor customers who wish to add a TNC use status to their vehicle, a set of TNC license plate decals and a registration card showing TNC use status will be issued.


This will authorize the vehicle to operate as a TNC vehicle throughout the Commonwealth of Virginia.


If the vehicle is taking passengers from Virginia to another state, it will not authorize TNC operation in the other state. The driver will need to get TNC authorization from the other state to operate legally.


Insurance/UMV Verification

The Insurance / UMV Verification dialog appears. Read the disclosure(s) to the customer and select the radio button that corresponds to their response. Once the response(s) have been recorded, click the Close Button_Close button to close the Insurance/UMV Verification window.

The Primary Mailing Address window opens. Verify the registration address with the customer and click the appropriate button at the bottom of the window.

tip20pxIf the vehicle record has a registration address, "Yes" will be displayed in the Other Registration Address Exist field in the address confirmation window.


If the Insurance disclosure window is closed before replying to the statement(s), the following pop-up message will display.






3.Depending on the type of product selected, mySelect will first pull the Month decal from inventory and display a message box with the decal information and confirmation to use the decal. Click the OK Button_OKbutton to continue.

Then mySelect will pull the Year decal from inventory and display a message box with the decal information and confirmation to use the decal.

Click the OK Button_OKbutton to continue.

If the customer's vehicle requires only one decal the following message box will display.



4.The Transaction Details Payment dialog appears for entry of payment information.


5.Enter the payment information.

LightBulbFor more information about processing multiple transactions, see Payment Processing.


6.Click the Process Button_Process button.  The transaction is processed and the Receipt Details dialog appears. Print the receipt then Click the Close Button_Close button to continue.

7.The Transaction Details dialog appears with the TRANSACTION PROCESSED ######## message (########=the new title number).

8.Give the customer the products and receipt.

9.Click the Close Button_Close button to close the Transaction Details dialog.

10.Click the Close Button_Close button to complete the transaction.

Topic Last Edited: 1/17/2017