Driver's License Original Issue

ico_note Please refer to the Driver's License Guide, as needed.

Common referenced topics:

Motor Votor DLG-0102
Organ Donor DLG-0103
Proof of Legal Presence DLG-0701
Electronic Certification of Birth Certficate DLG-0702

To Issue an Original Driver's License

1.Before you begin this process in select, call your next ticket in Q-Flow.
2.From mySelect, click the Q-Data Button_Q-Data button.  The Customer Console opens.

LightBulbIf the Information Clerk scanned the customer's credential, the customer's information will appear in the Customer Console.  If they did not, you must retrieve the customer's information by entering their customer number or name and name type in the appropriate fields, then clicking the Inquire Button_Inquire button.

3.Follow the standard process for capturing the customer's photo by clicking the Send to Camera Button_SendToCamera button.

ico_note Please refer to the Photographing Requirements section of the DLG, as needed.

4.From the Customer Console button bar, click the Quick Navigation Button_QuickNavigation button.  A drop-down appears.
5.Select Driver License Issue.  The Driver License Issue inquiry form appears.
6.From the Transaction Type drop-down select Original.
7.Click the Inquire Button_Inquire button.   The Driver's License Issue transaction form appears ready for data entry.
8.Fill in the required information.

tip20pxClick here for tips on navigating the Driver's License transaction form.

tip20pxClick here for a list of Legal Presence Codes.

9.Click the Process Button_Process button.  The Transaction Details dialog appears for you to enter payment.

tip20px If an NDR match is found, the eForms button will change to red and display eForms(NDR). Red text will also scroll along the bottom of the window.  These indicators will remain until the eForms button is clicked to view the NDR match.  See Process NDR Match for more information.

10.Enter the payment information.   For help with processing payment, see Processing Payment.

tip20pxIf the customer is not testing and you have additional transactions for the customer, click the Add to Cart Button_AddtoCart button and continue to your next transaction.

11.Click the Process Button_Process button.  The payment is processed and the Transaction Details dialog appears.

tip20pxTo print a Temporary Driver Permit, click the Temporary Driver Permit Button_TemporaryDriverPermit button.  If you are reprinting, this happens automatically.

12.Click the Close Button_Close button  The Receipt Details dialog appears.

tip20pxTo print a receipt, click the Print Receipt Button_PrintReceipt button.

13.To close the dialog and complete the transaction, click the Close Button_Close button.

See Also

Using a Translator

Add Customer - Non-Individual

Add Customer - Individual

2014 Legislation - Agency Bills - HB662 & SB565: Commercial driver's licenses, etc.; compliance with federal requirements.

Driver's Licenses and Identification Cards - HB996: Driver's Licenses; applicants less than 19 years old.

Topic Last Edited: 6/26/2014