Original Title

An Original Title is the first title that is established for a vehicle after a purchase.

Please refer to the Vehicle Licensing Guide, as needed.

To process an Original Title

1.If not already open, Open the Customer Console using the customer's number or name.

From the Console Go To .....

Path to Follow .....

Alerts Grid

There are no alerts for this transaction.

Quick Navigation

 Not available for this transaction.

Vehicle Grid

1.Expand the Vehicles section by clicking somewhere in the green bar.

2.Click the Button_DownArrow in the Direct field next to the desired vehicle.

3.Select TTLISS Original Title. TTLISS appears in the Direct field.

4.Click the Button_QuickLink button.  The Original Title inquire form opens.

5.Continue with the steps below.

Transaction Menu

1.Click the Transaction Menu button in the Main Menu Bar.

2.Navigate to Titling Transactions>Original Title(TTLISS) and click it.

3.Continue with the steps below.

Command Line

1.Enter TTLISS on the Direct command line, then press the Enter key.

2.Continue with the steps below.


2.The Original Title inquire form opens. Enter the required key combinations (Customer Number, Name Type, Name, VIN/VIN4, Vehicle Ownership 1 and Body Type Code) and any other required information.

3.Click the Inquire Button_Inquire button. The Original Title transaction form opens with the customer and some vehicle information populated.

4.Scroll down and enter the required information as indicated by the Button_RequiredField icons and any other information as needed.

Toggle_ExpandedOut of Business Dealerships

If a CSR teller enters the dealer certificate number in the Dealer Number field (under the Vehicle Information bar) and the dealership has gone out of business when the vehicle is being titled, an authorization pop up box will display. Another teller or lead teller or manager must enter their credentials for the authorization in order to continue.


Toggle_ExpandedDealer Rebate?

If there was a dealer rebate included in the transaction, enter the amounts as follows:



Manufacturer Rebate $

Rebate amount

Sales Price $

Sales price LESS rebate amount.


A customer purchases a vehicle with a sales price of $10,500 and received a $500 dealer rebate.

Sales Price $ = $10,000

Manufacturer Rebate $ = $500


Introduced with Legislation 2013:  Beneficiaries can be added to titles. Please refer to VLIC-3.506 Beneficiary-Application for Title.

For data entry instructions, see Maintain Vehicle - Add Beneficiary.

tip20pxClick here for tips on navigating the Original Title transaction form.

5.When done, click the Process Button_Process button. mySelect processes the transaction, then displays the Transaction Details dialog for payment information.

Toggle_ExpandedTitle and Registration Combination process

The Title and Registration Combo process is used when registration is needed after the vehicle has been titled.

1.Once the Transaction Detail Payment window opens with the titling amount due, Click the Add to Cart button to add the amount due to the cart.


Click to view full size
Click to view full size


2.The Cart update message displays. Click OK to return to the Original Title screen.



3.To process the original registration, click the Reg Trans button on the gray tool bar.



4.The Title and Registration Combination box opens. If the customer is transferring plates, enter that information and then click the Next button.



5.mySelect will open the Original Registration screen with the customer and vehicle information populated. See Original Registration for registration information.

6.Once the registration is completed, Click the Cart Button_Cart and collect the amount due.

6.Process Payment.  The payment transaction is processed and the system sends the documents to your default printer. The Title Document Number Processing dialog then  appears with the next available title number pre-populated.

7.Retrieve your documents from the printer.

8.Verify the printed title document number matches the number shown in the Title Document Number Processing dialog.


If ....

Then ...

The title document number matches.

1.Click the Update Button_Update button.

The title document number does not match.

1.Enter the correct number in the Document Number field.

2.Click the Update Button_Update button.

The title document does not print at all.

1.Enter the reason in the No Print Reason field.

2.Click the Close - No Print Button_CloseNoPrintbutton.

The title document is damaged during printing or the quality is unacceptable.

See Void Title Document


The Receipt Details dialog then appears.

9.Click the Print Receipt Button_PrintReceipt button, if an additional receipt is needed.

10.From the Receipt Details dialog, click the Close Button_Close button.  The Transaction Details dialog appears displaying the transaction details.

11.From the Transaction Details dialog, click the Close Button_Close button.


Toggle_Expanded        To perform a NADA Inquiry

1.From the Original Title transaction's button bar, click the Quick Navigation button.  The NADA Inquiry is processed and the information is displayed in the NADA screen.

2.Click the Close Button_Close button to close the transaction and return to the Original Title screen.

See Also

Add Customer - Non-Individual

Add Customer - Individual

Original Registration

2015 Legislation: Agency Study Bills - SB 1003; Convert off-road motorcycles to on-road

Topic Last Edited: 9/9/2016