ico_note This function is reserved for lead/management level roles

Decals are assigned to a teller and remain assigned to that teller until they are all used, the decal date is no longer current, or they need to be re-assigned to a different teller.  At that point, they are "returned."

To Remove Decals

1.If the Inventory Management Console is not already open, from the menu bar, click the Inventory button.  The Inventory Management Console appears.

2.Click the ico_plus next to Decal.

3.Click the Re-assign Decals button.  The Decal Management - Return Decals for <teller id> dialog appears.

4.Click the View All Teller Decals button.

5.Next to the range of decals to remove, click the checkbox in the Remove column.

6.Click the Process Decals button.  The decals are removed from that teller.

See Also

Assign Decals

Receive Inventory

Topic Last Edited: 5/14/2015