Release 8.2 (01/31/2013)


New Security Implemented

Three mySelect features have been modified to be governed by security rules within your office.  They are:

Recall/View Other Tellers' Transactions

oA teller can only recall/view another tellers' transactions if they have been given specific security privileges to do so.


All tellers, regardless of security privileges, can continue to use the Direct command line (L=Log#) to recall/view test transactions in a "test initiated" status as follows:

Driver License Issue (DCISS0) with message containing "TESTS INITIATED," and

Dealer/Salesperson Qualification (DESLSC) with message "E0352 SEND CUSTOMER TO TAKE QUALIFICATION TEST"

Close Cash Drawer

oIf you attempt to close another tellers' cash drawer and the Role to which you're assigned does not have the feature available, you will be prevented from doing so.

Void Transactions

oPreviously, all tellers could Void transactions.  Now, the ability to Void a processed transaction will be restricted to Roles to which this capability is assigned.  If your Role does not have this feature assigned, the Void button will always be disabled.

Release 8.2 includes the following changes:


Related Help ...


CDL Renewal Alerts

Alerts were displaying too far in the future.  This issue has been resolved.


Closing Cash Drawers

The system has been enhanced to restrict the closing of another tellers' cash drawer to specific security roles.

Close Cash Drawer


Added order type CV91 to the ACPCRA (add), ACPCRC(chg), and APCCRD(delete) processes to support the addition of restrictions.

Issue with system crashing during compliance workflow has been resolved.


Confirm Location

When logging in, if you are assigned to more than one Location, a message will appear confirming the location you're attempting to log into.  This is informational only, to help prevent inadvertent log ins.

Confirm Location

Direct Commands Added

I MSL - Mechanics and Storage Lien Inquiry

I NCIC - NCIC Inquiry

MSL Inquiry

NCIC Inquiry

EZ Fleet

Renewal screen updated to display current year + next two years as available decal dates.


Motor Carrier

Added new transaction Motor Carrier CLP Reprint.



Customer, Vehicle/Title, and Vehicle/VIN Notes will now only display if the required Keys are present.


Recall Transaction

The system has been enhanced to restrict the recalling of another tellers' cash drawer to specific security roles.

Recalling a Transaction

Vehicle Grid

The vehicle grid in the Customer Console has been modified to display up to ten active vehicles, a reduction from the previous number of 15.  This change was implemented to increase system performance.

Using the Customer Console

Vehicle Transcript (VEHTRN)

Bug fixed which caused system to crash if vehicle information was not provided.

VIN field label has been changed to indicate full VIN is required.

Vehicle Transcript


Title/Reg Combo

Emission information now carries over to the Cart.

Now can VOID a transaction removed from Cart.

Error messages now appear before adding transactions to the Cart and when they do appear, the error message dialog will always appear on top of all windows so it can be seen.


Original Title (TTLISS)

Bug fixed related to Prior Doc date entry.

Title Date formatting is now consistent with the rest of system.

VIN field label has been changed to indicate full VIN is required.

Original Title



Topic Last Edited: 5/15/2013