March Bulletin
Just one item of note:
•If you recall an Incomplete transaction to void it and the Void button is not enabled, click the Verify
button. This will refresh the screen and enable the button.
Release 8.4 includes the following changes:
Issue Log |
Functionality... |
Related Help ... |
Alerts o7787 - Enhancement added to display Hot Lane violations (stop code 8H) in the Customer Console. o7814 - Issue resolved which was displaying an incorrect Alert when a customer has an effective medical order. o7705 - Enhancement added to add two new Alerts to the Customer Console relative to insurance monitoring; one for a pending status and the other for an effective status. |
7782 |
Change Service Fee Password Enhancement to provide for SEOSFP transaction. Appears from Transaction > Utilities > Teller Utilities. |
7928 |
Commercial Medical Certificate Add Enhancement to add a Blank radio button to all sections where there is a Yes and No radio button. This allows you to selection none if the customer is changing NI/NA to EI/EA. |
7742 |
Compliance Summary Added Quick Navigation from Compliance Summary to Orders. |
7840 |
Customer Console Enhancement to include Vehicle Transcript transaction in Quick Links from Vehicle Grid of Customer Console. |
7910 |
Dealer Search Enhancement to support searching by dealer number. |
7935 |
Delete Customer (DELCUS) Enhancement to add this transaction to mySelect. Will only be accessible to Lead Tellers and Managers. |
7790 |
Driver's License Renewal Resolved issue where mySelect was incorrectly stating customer was eligible to renew online when test is required. |
7737 |
Driver's License/ID Card Enhancement to add "Y" as a new Key for entering Customer Type on the Direct command line. For example, Maintain VIN for an Individual customer from the Direct command line would appear as: VINMVP N=<custname> Y=I C=<cust#> V=<vin> |
7777 |
Insurance Monitoring Inquiry (INMINQ) Enhancement to add the Monitor Date (1st Notice Date from the INMINQ screen) on the INMINQ selection list to help the CSR determine which monitor needs to be updated. |
7832 |
Mechanic's & Storage Lien Transcript Enhancement to support more than one MSL on a vehicle. The mySelect will now display a selection list. |
7879 |
Notes Resolved issue with Notes crashing mySelect. |
7789 |
Notification Transcript Resolved issue with cover sheet not printing. |
7692 |
Quick Navigation now available when recalling a transaction Enhancement to support Quick Navigation on recalled transactions. |
7509 & 7721 |
Quick Navigation Quick Navigation has been added to the following transactions: oFrom Special Customer Number Issue to ... ▪Driver's License Issue and ▪ID Card Issue. oFrom Overload Permit Inquiry to ... ▪Overload Permit Maintain, ▪Overload Permit Issue, ▪Overload Permit Renew, ▪Overload Permit Transfer, and ▪Overload Permit Reissue. |
Report Changes The following changes were made to reports found in the Reports Console: o7575 - Enhancement to remove the "Delete Trans/ID" column from the Overrides/Special Authorizations report. o7577 - Enhancement to remove customer name from the Description column of the Fee Exception and Over/Short report and replace with customer number. oResolved issue with display of Plate Type value in Vehicle Transaction report. o7881 - Enhancement to include Compliance Summary transactions in the Driver Transaction and Teller Transaction reports. o7836 - Enhancement to include on Driver reports driver records where the Record filed was populated. o7454 - Resolved issue with customer name not displaying on Transaction activity by Driver report. o7942 - Resolved issue with plate number and stop code not showing up on Vehicle Stop Transaction report. |
7833 |
Title Issue o7833 - Issue resolved which was impacting inventory being issued with no associated transaction, as well as report counts. o7863 - Enhancement to the entry of a Dealer number so you do not have to add leading zeros if the number is less than five digits. mySelect will automatically add the leading zeros until the total value equals five digits. |
7908 |
Title/Registration Combo Transaction Resolved issue impacting transfer of duplicate plate types. |
7940 |
Transfer Registration Resolved issue with issuing same plate number with two different plate types. |