Frequently Asked Questions

LightBulbThese FAQs are "all-inclusive," meaning they include all transactions, regardless of your location type. If you see a transaction mentioned here which is not on your version of mySelect, that's because your location is not authorized to process same.

Toggle_ExpandedFAQ1 - Why can't I void a title?

You cannot void a title until after you have voided the related registration transaction.

Also, if you recall the transaction and see a Host Error and the Void button is disabled, click the Verify button.  Verify causes the backend system to be checked for the ability to Void.  If after the check, a void is allowed, the Void button is enabled.


Toggle_ExpandedFAQ2 - Why can't I add a note to a vehicle?

In order to add a Note to a vehicle, your vehicle-related Keys must be populated; i.e., Title number, VIN, Plate Number, and Plate.

Perform a Vehicle Inquiry first, then all required Keys will be populated.

Toggle_ExpandedFAQ3 - Can't Connect to mySelect

mySelect requires an active Internet connection.  If you cannot log in, first determine if you can connect to the Internet:

1.Open your browser and navigate to:

2.From the Online Transactions menu, select Plate Purchase.

If you experience a failure here, the issue is with your Internet service provider.  Please contact them for support.

Toggle_ExpandedFAQ4 - Why is my mySelect running so slow?

mySelect relies on your Internet connection for communication between your location at the DMV data center.   Please contact your Internet service provider for help with assessing your current connection speeds.

Toggle_ExpandedFAQ5 - Why don't I see a function in my mySelect which is referenced in this help system?

If you are not seeing a function in your version of mySelect which you see in this online help system or on another user's system, it could be one of two things:

1.The role in which you perform is not authorized to process the function.

2.You work in an office which is not authorized to perform the function.

If you believe you should be seeing a function which you do not, please let us know by emailing us at Online Help Support.

Toggle_ExpandedFAQ6 - Why are my documents printing on the wrong printer or to the wrong printer tray?

In order to troubleshoot printing problems, it's helpful to conceptually understand how printing works.  For an overview and troubleshooting tips, please see Troubleshooting Printing Problems.

Toggle_ExpandedFAQ7 - Why does my title transaction not display the control document number?

During the title transaction processing, if the transaction is concluded by clicking the Close - No Print button Button_CloseNoPrint, no inventory details are recorded with the transaction.

Click to view image full size
Click to view image full size
Toggle_ExpandedFAQ8 - Why is the vehicle grid empty?

In the interest of system performance, if the customer has more than 10 active vehicles, the vehicle grid is disabled by default.

To view the vehicles, go to the Alerts section and click the Button_GreenRightArrow button next to the VEHCUT transaction and alert advising "Customer has x active vehicles; Vehicles grid is disabled"  The system displays three vehicles at a time.

To display more vehicles, click the Button_MoreDataAvailable button.

Toggle_ExpandedFAQ9 - How do I determine what printer is assigned to what Work Area?

To identify what printer is assigned to which Work Area

1.From the main menu bar select, Tools > Settings > Manage Work Areas.  The Settings dialog appears with the Manage Work Areas tab on top.

2.In the Total Work Areas grid at the top, scroll to find the Work Area, then click on its row.  See 01 Red Chrome 01 in the screenshot below.

Click to view full size
Click to view full size

3.Notice the printer as displayed in the section identified by 01 Red Chrome 02 in the above screenshot.

Toggle_ExpandedFAQ10 - Why can't I recall another teller's transactions?

The ability to recall another teller's transactions is limited to specific Roles assigned that capability, such as Manager and Lead Teller.

However, all tellers, regardless of security privileges, can recall "test initiated" transactions using the Direct command line (L=Log#).  These include:

Driver License Issue (DCISS0) with message containing "TESTS INITIATED," and

Dealer/Salesperson Qualification (DESLSC) with message "E0352 SEND CUSTOMER TO TAKE QUALIFICATION TEST"

Toggle_ExpandedFAQ11 - Why am I seeing NO COMPLIANCE UPDATE PERFORMED?

When navigating through the Order section (COMP screens) of the Compliance workflow, you must click the Process Button_Process button BEFORE clicking the Next Order Button_NextOrder button in order to save any requirements or fee information you entered.  If you do not do this, the system does not save the information you entered and when you get to the end it displays a message saying NO COMPLIANCE UPDATE PERFORMED.

Toggle_ExpandedFAQ12 - Why is my Void button disabled?

The Void button might be disabled for one of two reasons:

1.Host Error - The transaction got hung up in the backend system.  This would be indicated by a Host Error message next to the Log # and the Void button being disabled.  In this case, click the Verify button and see if the Void button is enabled.


2.Security privileges - The ability to void a transaction is controlled by security privileges, with the exception of test transactions in a "test initiated" status, which all tellers can void.  In order to void a transaction you may need to call your Lead Teller or manager.


Toggle_ExpandedFAQ13 - Why do fees keep coming up $0?

Keywords:  $0.00 "no money"

If you are processing a driver's license issue and the fees keep coming up $0.00, you must be sure to select Blank in the Test Information section, then click the Process Button_Process button.   Selecting Record will not process the transaction to the backend system, which is required to generate a fee transaction.


Toggle_ExpandedFAQ14:  Why am I getting "Transaction is already processed, please clear and display transaction again?"

If you attempt to start an Issue Special Customer Number (SPECCUS) more than once (in separate tabs), you may receive one of the following errors:

Transaction is already processed, please clear and display transaction again, or

Transaction is already Processed.

In this event, clear your screen as the message indicates and click on the tab and continue from there.

Toggle_ExpandedFAQ15: Getting error "Select Direct Command for data grid"

If you click the green arrow button Button_GreenRightArrow and receive the "Select Direct Command for data grid" button, it's because the item does not have an associated Direct Command.  You'll notice the cell in the Direct column is blank.   The button should not be clicked if there is not an associated Direct command in the associated cell.

Click to view full size
Click to view full size
Toggle_ExpandedFAQ16:  Log number is not correct

If you're see incorrect log numbers and the difference is just the last one or two numbers, it could be your computer's resolution is set to Large Fonts.  Please see Change/View Font Size for help with establishing a "Normal Font" environment, which is the requirement for mySelect.

Toggle_ExpandedFAQ17: Why do I have to process a renewal and collect the money before issuing an overload permit?

Business rules require that a valid, non-expired registration be on file prior to issuing an overload permit.

Toggle_ExpandedFAQ18:  Why does the system clear my keys and give me a Qflow error sometimes when starting a transaction, selecting a Quick Nav function or after sending the customer to the camera for a Driver License issue or ID Card?

Always start every customer on the Console and click on Qdata before sending the customer to the camera or performing any transaction.

Toggle_ExpandedFAQ19: Why don’t I have the option to put a Compliance Summary in the cart?

There is no charge for a Compliance Summary, so the cart never appears.

Toggle_ExpandedFAQ20:  Why do I get the message “M1879 Reason title held must be complied to remove from record” after checking comply and removing the code?

Do not remove the code.  To comply a Held, click the Comply checkbox, then click the Process Button_Process button.


Toggle_ExpandedFAQ21:  Why do I have to click the Process button on each screen when working through a compliance transaction?

Because each screen is a unique order that must be processed for the update to apply.  Like all transactions, nothing is updated in the system until you click the Process Button_Process button.

Toggle_ExpandedFAQ22:  Why can’t I update my customer’s Legal Presence if they already have a LP code on their record?  They would like to update it.

Business rules dictate that once a person has Legal Presence, it is rolled over for all transactions and cannot be replaced with a new LP code.

Toggle_ExpandedFAQ23:  Why do I get an error message when I try to log in to mySelect?


If you enter your username or password incorrectly, you will receive the Authentication Failed message.  Your login and password are the same entries you use to log into your computer.

Button_RequiredField After three unsuccessful attempts, your account will be locked out and you will not be able to log into your computer.

If you believe you are receiving the error when you have entered correct information, contact VCCC at 866-637-8482 to have them unlock your account.

Toggle_ExpandedFAQ24:  Who should I contact if I have a problem with Select?

If you are having a problem logging onto mySelect, call VCCC at 866-637-8482; otherwise, send a DL9 (e-form) to the appropriate work center or call SSG for assistance at 804-497-7124.

Toggle_ExpandedFAQ25: Why am I unable to recall some Driver License transactions after they complete their test?

Transactions can only be recalled by the original transaction owner or a Lead/Manager unless they are in a TEST INITIATE status.  If after sending the customer to test, someone recalls that transaction, it will change the status and make it unavailable per the rule stated above.

Toggle_ExpandedFAQ26:  Why can’t I see the change to a customer record after I change the name/address or when the Helpdesk or a workcenter has made changes?

The changes will be available once you INQUIRE on the record again.

Toggle_ExpandedFAQ27:  Why do I get this message on some customer records “CSS program may have abended (possible Natural/Adabas error)?

This typically occurs due to bad data on the customer record.  Contact SSG Helpdesk for assistance.

Toggle_ExpandedFAQ28: Why is DGIF revenue not on the CSS Revenue transaction any more?

The collection of DGIF revenue is now supported in a separate Collect DGIF Revenue transaction.

Toggle_ExpandedFAQ29: Why can't I select a translator's language in the Test Information section?

In order for the Language drop-down to display the languages on file for the named translator, you must have used the globe Button_Globe button to select the translator's name.  See Using a Translator.


Topic Last Edited: 8/27/2014