Release 11.1.14 (01/01/2017)

Release 11.1.14 includes the following changes for the Customer Service Centers and Weigh Stations:


Related Help ...

ID Card receipt

The ID card receipt will now display the card expiration date.


Insurance Questions for Vehicle Registration

For the CSR stations with the card terminal, the insurance question that used to pop up has been automated to display on the card terminal allowing the customer to answer the insurance verification question for registration renewals and reissues. The customer's response will be captured in mySelect.

Renewal Registration

Reissue Registration

New in Online Help

HB388-Statutory Fee Payment Plan bill allows a customer to set up a payment plan with DMV to pay their outstanding statutory fee(s).


Statutory Fee Payment Plan Inquiry

Statutory Fee Payment Plan Establishment

Statutory Fee Payment Plan Payment-Payment

Statutory Fee Payment Plan Payment-Default



For the Weigh Stations ONLY:

When setting up a new customer account using the Motor Carrier Citation Tracking Customer Establishment (CTECUS) screen, the only valid name types will be INDIVIDUAL or BUSINESS.




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Topic Last Edited: 12/27/2016