Release 11.1.15 (02/16/2017)

Release 11.1.15 includes the following changes for the Customer Service Centers and Weigh Stations:


Related Help ...

Vehicle Inquiry

A correction has been made to vehicle inquiry by plate number to display the correct vehicle information if there are multiple vehicles with the same plate number.


Vehicle Inquiry

Effective 02/07/2017, a new field has been added in the Registration Information section below the Renewal Notice Date field. This new field will display the type of renewal notice the customer was mailed.

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ID Card receipt

The ID Card expiration date has been added to the ID Card receipt.


Handicap placard ID card replacement

Customers will now be able to request a print of the Handicap ID Card without getting a new placard.

The Handicap Inquiry will display the Duplicate ID Card Issue Date.

Handicap Placard Duplicate ID Card

Handicap Inquiry

Electronic Motor Voter

A change has been made to the processes listed on the right, to print a Motor/Voter paper application when the customer does not have a social security number in the DMV data base.

Change All Addresses

Driver License Issue

ID Card Issue

License Exchange for an ID Card

Title Number Change

Effective 01/25/2017, the title number will increase from 8 to 10 digits.  The system will still produce the 8 digits numbers until all of the series is used.  Therefore you will see both 8 and 10 digit title numbers.     


Adding Vehicle Notes

A correction has been made to display a message when trying to add a vehicle note to a vehicle that's not in the DMV database.

Adding Vehicle Notes

Original Title

A message has been added to the Original Title transaction to not allow the combination of  "IND" in the Dealer Number field and "DEALER(D)" in the Title Tax Exempt field.


Same day Replacement or Substitute titles

A change has been made to display the Manager Authorization window when a customer requests a replacement or substitute title after the title has been printed that day.


Replacement Title

Substitute Title



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Topic Last Edited: 2/7/2017