Release 11.1.2 (06/04/2015)

Release 11.1.2 includes the following changes for the Customer Service Centers and Weigh Stations:

Issue Log


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Motor Carrier>Operating Authority

Motor Carrier Pending Inquiry


Vehicle Inquiries>Registration Information

Out of State TNC Inquiry



Motor Carrier Pending Inquiry



Out of State TNC Inquiry


TNC Registration for in-state and out-of-state vehicle registration

New fields have been added to the Registration Reissue screen to allow TNC use status to be added or removed on vehicles.

Transportation Network Companies


Reissue Registration


Reports - Vehicle Transactions

A new column named TNC Use has been added to this report to show the vehicles that have had TNC Use status added.



PCI Payments (Pilot only)

New Debit/Credit card payment processing

Debit/Credit Card Payment (PCI)


PCI Reports  (Pilot only)

New report for Debit/Credit card processing

Debit/Credit Card Reports


CSSREV - New TNC fields

New TNC fields have been added in the Motor Carrier Revenue Collection section.

Collect CSS Revenue






eForms - DL9

Improvements have been made in receiving reply's (notes).


The DL9 envelope did not work properly. It showed as open when the DL9 or note has not been open and closed when the DL9 or note has been view.

Sending a DL9 and Receiving a Response




Clearance Letter Print - Fax Information

A fix has been made to print the fax number and information at the top of the Clearance Letter when entered in the LTRPRT Transaction screen.

Clearance Letter Print


Inventory timing out

A fix has been made to correct the problem with the inventory system timing out. The time out happen when mySelect checked for outstanding inventory that had not been accepted or declined. If there is any outstanding inventory, the Receive Transferred Inventory button will now be highlighted in blue.

Received Transferred Inventory


Motor Carrier Financial Inquiry

1.The Customer Name field has been removed as a search key on the Motor Carrier - Financial Inquiry screen.

2.In the Motor Carrier - Financial Inquiry detail screen, Customer Name and Name Search Type has been removed and Customer Status has been moved under the Customer Information section.

Motor Carrier Financial Inquiry


Motor Carrier Stop Inquiry

1.The Customer Name field has been removed as a search key on the Motor Carrier Stop Inquiry screen.

2.Customer Name Information and Trade Name and Address Information have been combined and are under the section titled Customer Information.

Motor Carrier Stop Inquiry


Motor Carrier Suspension Inquiry

1.The Customer Name field has been removed as a search key on the Motor Carrier Suspension Inquiry screen.

2.The Customer Name, Status and Status Date fields have been moved from the inquire screen to the Customer Information section in the detail screen.

Motor Carrier Suspension Inquiry


Citation Tracking Payment

A fix has been made to the Citation Tracking Payment inquire screen to display a message that will request the user to enter more information if there is more than one citation with the same number.

Click to view full size
Click to view full size


Motor Carrier Contact Inquiry

1.The Customer Name field has been removed as a search key on the Motor Carrier Contact Inquiry screen.

2.The Customer Name, Status and Status Date fields have been moved from the inquire screen to the Customer Information section in the detail screen.

Motor Carrier Contact Inquiry


Motor Carrier CLP Inquiry

1.The Customer Name field has been removed as a search key on the Motor CLP Inquiry screen.

2.The Customer Name, Status and Status Date fields have been moved from the inquire screen to the Customer Information section in the detail screen.

Motor Carrier CLP Inquiry


Motor Carrier Name Inquiry

A fix has been made to correct the problem that did not allow the search by the Customer Name that was not working on the inquire screen.

Motor Carrier Name Inquiry


Technical Support/Knowledge Base

Manage Work Areas, Manage Printers and Manage Terminals have been updated and made more user friendly.

Manage Work Areas

Manage Printers

Manage Terminals


Title/Vehicle and Customer Notes - Subject Line

The subject line has been change to only allow 45 characters to be entered.

Adding Notes


Surrender Registration

Under the Surrender Information section, Surrender Refund Type has been renamed to Refund and is now a radio button selection instead of a drop down.

Surrender Registration




Topic Last Edited: 5/29/2015