Release 9.7 includes the following changes:
Issue Log |
Functionality... |
Related Help ... |
New under Customer Transactions>Compliance Transactions> Authorization for Non-DUI and Fine & cost Restrictions The Add/Extend, Change and Delete processes have been added to Online Help. Click the folder to view the processes. |
Table of Contents The Table of Contents for Online Help is in the process of being re-arranged to coincide more with the Transaction Menu. For this release, the Customer Inquiries and Customer Transactions topics have been grouped as they are in the Transaction Menu. |
New under Customer Inquiry>Compliance Inquiry> Clinic Inquiry Restrictions Inquiry For Non-DUI/Fines and Costs Orders |
New under Customer Transactions>Compliance Transactions> Clinic Completion - Add |
New under Customer Transactions>Customer> Customer Transactions for Reprint Cover sheet |
8616 |
EZ Pass - Phase 2 Modifications to inventory and E-ZPass Issue to sell a second type of transponder; HOT(Flex). |
VDH - DVRINI/DVRRBC Authorizations and corrections Corrections have been made to the 3 attempts Manager Authorizations. VDH inquiry has been moved under Customer Inquiries>Customer in the Table of Contents. VDH transactions have been moved under Customer Transactions>Customer in the Table of Contents. |
8621 |
VDH - DVRINI/DVRRBC - Management Authorization The authorization box will now display on the DVRRBC (step2) instead of the DVRINI (step1) screen. |
8622 |
VDH - DVRINI/DVRRBC - Change address (QAS) QAS has been added to DVRRBC (step 2) screen to allow the address to be changed, although the address should be changed in the DVRINI (step1). |
8623 |
VDH - DVRINI/DVRRBC - Match/No match message Change made to the Match/No Match message. |
8587 |
Exception Activity - Overrides/Special Authorizations Report Print Date has been corrected to display the correct date. |
8574 |
Deferred Indicator on Event Selection(EVTSEL) Added the deferred indicator field to EVTSEL for convictions(CNVINQ) |
8593 |
Stop Inquiry Corrected the back and close buttons to go back to the selection list instead of the previous stop displaying again. |
EZ Fleet Users-Fleet Renewal Fleet Renewal Maintenance has been updated. |
8551 |
Escort Driver Certification Maintenance Correction made to the Action drop down box to display the description and code. |
8641 |
Commercial Medical Certification Add/Update and Inquiry A new field (Registry Number) has been added to the Add/Update and Inquiry forms. |
8536 |
Maintain Vehicle Owners(TTLMOW) - Quick Navigation Maintain Vehicle (Page 1), Maintain Vehicle (Page 2) and Maintain Vehicle (Page 3) have been added to Quick Navigation under Maintain Vehicle Owners(TTLMOW). |
8526 |
Registration Reissue with a Temporary Plate-Void Added a message to display as a reminder to the CSR to use REGMNT to put the Current Plate back in an A (Active) Registration Status. |