Release 9.7 (04/24/2014)

Release 9.7 includes the following changes:

Issue Log


Related Help ...


New under Customer Transactions>Compliance Transactions>

Authorization for Non-DUI and Fine & cost Restrictions

The Add/Extend, Change and Delete processes have been added to Online Help. Click the folder to view the processes.

Authorization Information


Table of Contents

The Table of Contents for Online Help is in the process of being re-arranged to coincide more with the Transaction Menu. For this release, the Customer Inquiries and Customer Transactions topics have been grouped as they are in the Transaction Menu.



New under Customer Inquiry>Compliance Inquiry>

Clinic Inquiry

Restrictions Inquiry For Non-DUI/Fines and Costs Orders

Clinic Inquiry

Restriction Inquiry


New under Customer Transactions>Compliance Transactions>

Clinic Completion - Add

Clinic Completion - Add


New under Customer Transactions>Customer>

Customer Transactions for Reprint Cover sheet

    Customer Transactions for Reprint Cover


EZ Pass - Phase 2

Modifications to inventory and E-ZPass Issue to sell a second type of transponder; HOT(Flex).

E-ZPass Issue


VDH - DVRINI/DVRRBC Authorizations and corrections

Corrections have been made to the 3 attempts Manager Authorizations.

VDH inquiry has been moved under Customer Inquiries>Customer in the Table of Contents.

VDH transactions have been moved under Customer Transactions>Customer in the Table of Contents.

VDH Processing


VDH - DVRINI/DVRRBC - Management Authorization

The authorization box will now display on the DVRRBC (step2) instead of the DVRINI (step1) screen.



VDH - DVRINI/DVRRBC - Change address (QAS)

QAS has been added to DVRRBC (step 2) screen to allow the address to be changed, although the address should be changed in the DVRINI (step1).



VDH - DVRINI/DVRRBC - Match/No match message

Change made to the Match/No Match message.



Exception Activity - Overrides/Special Authorizations Report

Print Date has been corrected to display the correct date.



Deferred Indicator on Event Selection(EVTSEL)

Added the deferred indicator field to EVTSEL for convictions(CNVINQ)



Stop Inquiry

Corrected the back and close buttons to go back to the selection list instead of the previous stop displaying again.



EZ Fleet Users-Fleet Renewal

Fleet Renewal Maintenance has been updated.

EZ Fleet Renewal


Escort Driver Certification Maintenance

Correction made to the Action drop down box to display the description and code.

Escort Maintenance


Commercial Medical Certification Add/Update and Inquiry

A new field (Registry Number) has been added to the Add/Update and Inquiry forms.




Maintain Vehicle Owners(TTLMOW) - Quick Navigation

Maintain Vehicle (Page 1), Maintain Vehicle (Page 2) and Maintain Vehicle (Page 3) have been added to Quick Navigation under Maintain Vehicle Owners(TTLMOW).



Registration Reissue with a Temporary Plate-Void

Added a message to display as a reminder to the CSR to use REGMNT to put the Current Plate back in an A (Active) Registration Status.


Topic Last Edited: 6/27/2014